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  1. M

    {Group Skype} Youtube Comments and likes exchange group

    Now i got the point.....
  2. M

    How do you get more targeted likes on Facebook?

    i would say use facebook ads or hash tags as these both will help you out and promote you product as much as you can so that you don't need a short cut you just get benefits from it.....
  3. M

    What are the good and cheap ways to build a landing page?

    I totally agree with this guy.. as there is no short cut in earning money you have to pay your time and skills first then you get a better and long term result out of it.. i won't suggest you to make a landing page of wprdpress rather than that i would recommend you to use HTML and CSS you will...
  4. M

    Need more traffic for my website

    hello dear have you tried to social media sites like FB and other stuff?? if you have for how long and how you are promoting your site?? it depends on the way you promote .... the clicks can't be increased a day .... update your stuff daily and put that kind of stuff that attracts people that's...
  5. M

    Can you change the image of a CPA banner ad?

    Yes, you can use them as your own image.... just check there will the option you can edit from there .. if you can't just google it you will find a you tube video out there follow that vide ultimately you will see that it can be changed ... i just forget i also changed that but now right i...
  6. M

    Please tell me the Affiliate Network Name of pic,thx

    this is too much... can't bear this type of stuff it's a cramp........ it should be removed from there.. why you want the name of the network.. do you want to promote something or you want to do something other than this...
  7. M

    How to Hire VA & Designers? How much to pay?

    Hy dear.... nice to hear from you that you are expanding your work and for that you need a virtual Assistant that helps you out in this ... Well let me tell you that you have come to the right place... I am basically a part time VA and a web developer with the languages familiar you just...
  8. M

    2015 almost over, what have you achieved? What are your 2016 goals?

    2015 was a very good and decent year for me as i have achieved many things and learned a lot in 2015... i completed my graduation fin 2015 and i started affiliate marketing in 2015.. I learned a lot in this year and i am still on it.... as far as he earning is concered i have earned a lot but...
  9. M

    Help me please to analyse the data

    i think your landing page is the problem here as it takes time and in that time people close it when they see un wanted things opening and taking time... if you work on it surely you can achieve success thats not the matter of data if you using good landing page then ultimately you get the good...
  10. M

    I Just Joined

    Hy Vincent dude, welcome to this forum as you are going to start your business so i wish you very good for this bussiness ... i hope and my wish is with you that your business grow greater and greater and hope you will help here other people also in growing business... Gud luck
  11. M

    Newbie friendly affiliate networks

    I totally agree with this guy..... the question is if you have any proof post it here.... screen shots of your account not of any other if you don't have then please stop promoting like this.... It's realy look like that some one made this account just to promote the Mobidea..... Make it confirm...
  12. M

    Generating Traffic And $$$ Using Yahoo Answers

    I also thought the same as you thought but it still there....... I have tried it for few weeks back but the result was same as i expected they need to work on it......
  13. M

    Newbie interested in making huge life changes.

    Well Pleasure is always mine if you have any problem you can share any time here........ thnx....
  14. M

    Generating Traffic And $$$ Using Yahoo Answers

    This is the very informative post you just shared as it covers almost all the topics of the Yahoo answers... but personally i have tried to use yahoo answers but i am fed up with them because every time i wrote a question i havent got nay perfet answer the the related answers instead it opens...
  15. M

    The Supreme Court rejected an appeal from gun owners to challenge a local assault-weapons ban

    Dear why the Supreme court has rejected this appeal... is there any political pressure or something else...what you say should the local weapons be banned?
  16. M

    Why everyone Retargeting the wrong way? Free Script Inside

    That's a great info that you shared thanks for sharing such a nice info through it we can make a lot of money but for that we need to understand it easily...... and then implement it ... if i have any question i will let you know...
  17. M

    How much information?

    I would say it's up to you what you want to give.... because you are the owner and you have the right to give whether the infor or the whole details of the program... if you have better choice for the publishers then they will definitely be attracted towards your program and at that time you can...
  18. M

    Earnings from Facebook

    That's obvious dear if you want to do something you need to learn it's rules and without the rules are just kicked off.... it's time wasting if you don't follow the rules.... the fb is strictly banning some accounts who are not following the rules... traffic is not everything it's like you go to...
  19. M

    Earnings from Facebook

    Thanks for agreeing with me .. but that's the fact... if you are experienced in that you are all in all on fb...but if you are not you get banned :P
  20. M

    Earnings from Facebook

    Though it has a high conversion rate but as far as the traffic is concerned fb has the best traffic and the one who want good traffic can found it on fb... so i would say fb is also the best source of income but if someone is expert in that ... because it blocks the account of many people...