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  1. kbhuffaker

    SEO Training

    I don't know if you have heard about the 30 Day Challenge done by Ed Dale from Noble Samurai but it is free and they do an excellent job of teaching the most up to date SEO amoung other things that go with Affiliate Marketing.
  2. kbhuffaker

    New to the forum

    I've been thinking about the quality of the product you mentioned and I can see how that would be a key piece to keep in mind. I know that I've been on some lists and I get bombarded with all kinds of junk. So I can see how trust would be built with providing quality products. Thanks for the...
  3. kbhuffaker

    New to the forum

    Hi Louise, I noticed that my link wasn't working but I've fixed it. Yes I'm working on learning how to build a list. How are your list building skills? You having luck building it?
  4. kbhuffaker

    Looking for mailing lists

    route609, I agree with the other comments. When purchasing a list you are most likely not going to get people interested in your niche and if they are not interested in your niche why would they want to buy your product? You can learn how to build a list yourself and then you can be confident...
  5. kbhuffaker

    Newbie Questions

    Hi Rasmus. A hobby is a good place to start when new to Internet Marketing. I see from other websites that some place more than one ad from different Affiliate companies however, I've always been taught to focus your niche on one product. I've found that time management is Hugh. Focusing...
  6. kbhuffaker

    New to the forum

    Hi Everyone, My name is Pusztai and being new to the forum I wanted to introduce myself. I've been in the Internet Marketing business for about three years now. I've learned a lot about different IM steps and concepts. One place I'm lacking at is list building. I'm hoping to help others...
  7. kbhuffaker

    Article re-writing, spinning and submitting

    I would agree that if you write your own content that you can spin it as many times as you like. The whole idea is to get clean original content and with many spinners you are rewriting each sentence to make several articles completely unique. My 2 bits.
  8. kbhuffaker

    Duplicate Content: It's Not What You Think!

    Original content is always best. The method of creating one unique article and then generating several others from it is called Spinning Your Article. There are software programs that will do this for you. I would suggest that you look into them to make your Article Marketing easier.
  9. kbhuffaker

    How to Know if Niche is Too Competitive

    If you are looking for a good tool to help you find profitable niches and keywords that you can actually rank for then I'll tell you my secret. There is a tool called Market Samurai that I've been using for the past year and it is absolutely wonderful. It helps you all the way from finding...
  10. kbhuffaker

    new guy just sayin' hi

    Good to know you Bears_Cubs119. If you're looking for ways to increase your traffic then you'll find lots of advice about how to do it here. Good luck and enjoy your journey ;)
  11. kbhuffaker

    Newbies: A Sure-Fire Method For Choosing Affiliate Products to Promote

    David, Good advice. I've been doing IM for a almost two years now and I still find it difficult to find good products to promote. The rule I go for is 80 / 30,000. I want to have at least 80 broad match searches per month and no more than 30,000 competitors. I look for these numbers when...
  12. kbhuffaker

    Ex SEO Now Building Own Affiliate Sites

    Affiliate Script, That's really good to know about WordPress because I was just about to jump in and start learning it. I may have to rethink my decision now and start learning PHP. I've wanted to do that also. I think you have a good business plan where you partner up with others. I...
  13. kbhuffaker

    Ex SEO Now Building Own Affiliate Sites

    Hi Stephen. Sounds like you're pretty handy with the Websites. I've been doing mostly blogs but have started dabbling in WordPress. It seems pretty powerful to me. But like everything, I suppose it has it's downfalls. I suppose the plug ins could be a point especially if the ones you use...
  14. kbhuffaker

    How many links ?

    Yip, I find SEO for Firefox very handy.
  15. kbhuffaker

    Backlinking Tool

    I use Backlink Agent to help me find my quality related backlinks. Backlink Agent will help you find forums and Websites where you can add your URL and videos. I find it to be a great tool for finding quality related backlinks.
  16. kbhuffaker


    To get quality related backlinks I write articles, post on forums, blogs, and social networks that relate to my niche. I've also found it very helpful to have a quality tool that will allow me to search out related backlinking opportunities. This is important because unless a backlink is a...
  17. kbhuffaker

    How can I get more backlinks?

    I do a lot of article marketing. I have a few article that have created a lot of relevant backlinks to my landing page. But I have several articles that don't do anything for me. But they are read every now and then. When writing articles it very important to get your keywords in the right...
  18. kbhuffaker

    How to Know if Niche is Too Competitive

    There are tons of great info about finding good profitable keywords here. I have been through the 30 Day Challenge as Linda mentioned and it helped a lot. I've come to realize that for myself once I learn good info I don't always implement it. I think its easy to get overloaded with info...
  19. kbhuffaker

    Affiliate Email Marketing Tips - Free Magazine

    Thanks Linda. These magazines are a great resource. Karl
  20. kbhuffaker

    Affiliate Email Marketing Tips - Free Magazine

    Linda, Is there anyway to get this May addition without becoming a member of Affiliate Classroom? Karl