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  1. L

    Bing not indexing my site (seocorpvn)

    i dont really optimize my websites for bing since Google is the market leader when it comes to searches. The traffics will come from bing when your site is doing well on Google. Dont underestimate the power of social networks though Regards Daniel
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    Bing not indexing my site (seocorpvn)

    According to bing sites help, if your site doesn't appear on their index, it may be due to one of three things, not enough time yet, bad content/quality, malware. Check you content, and be sure that it's not the same as other competitors. I recommend that you check your webmaster tools to...
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    Don't know how to start to choose a nich

    The most popular advice is to "do what you love", or go with a niche you are passionate about. This most likely includes a hobby or lifestyle choice. This is a great idea because you are already knowledgeable and experienced on the topic. You're also less likely to get bored with it than...
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    How can I find blogs I can comment on?

    I once downloaded tha Comment Kahuna of a software but I got angry and cleared it off my PC. The comment kahuna is a software when freely downloaded will tell you to download more than 3 other apps before it can function and that isn;t a sign of a good software.
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    Fresh Content

    The two factors that I assume would keep a site/blog at the to of search engine result pages should be continual updating of the site's content and building fresh backlinks to the site. These two will make the search engines to see the site or blog as not having an outdated content on it.
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    Newbies are like sponges I think

    So what does the title of this topic "Newbies are like sponges I think" implies stonechick? Its your first post anyway and you are welcome lol.
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    Help Me, I'm Optimizing For A Keyword

    I'm currently working on a site on the "make money online" niche and the people I want to optimize it for are people who wants to make money online but I feel that just repeating "make money online" isn't enough and so I need your help on this. It is like this. If you want to know how to make...
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    Should it be Blog Commenting Or Forum Signatures?

    Hello Forum members in here I need your opinions on this. Between commenting on Dofollow blogs and posting in forums with Dofollow signature links, which one do you think will be able to give better quality backlinks to a site? I personally think that forum signature will because most forums...
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    What Makes A Quality Backlink?

    I've heard people talking about more quality and less quality backlinks and how it can affect your site's rankings in the serps so I ask, What Makes A Quality Backlink? Is it the number of links present in the page wher your backlik is located or the page rank of that page or are there...
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    Making Money

    There is nothing to big or been kept a secret about being successful with internet marketing. Just dont be lazy and dont also be desperate. Take each step one at a time and avoid putting your hands into promoting too many products. Seek for tips to succeed in your niche market and always be...
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    Finally my first sale :)

    Congratulations Adammo, Two affiliate sales in your first day of generating a sale? It sounds good and I can remember the day I had my first sale, it was like wow and it motivated me only to become over motivated and to do things too quickly that I had to wait for two whole months before I...
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    How can I get more backlinks?

    Hello DrMarie, You are already doing one. I only use three methods to build backlinks and those three are: Blog Commentings, Directory submission and, Forum signatures. From these three, I would say that forum sigs is the best while directory submission next.
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    new guy just sayin' hi

    welcome Bears_Cubs119, Internet marketing is never an easy make money online job and since you have been good enough to make a few sales, just keep on doing it. The key to succeeding is traffic. The more the traffic to your site, the better for you.
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    hey mini here

    welcome mini_84, concerning what you said in the quoted lines above, it seems as if the advice that made you to compile a list of what you enjoy doing is that you should promote a niche that you love doing. Well I dont do that. I just pick on an appealing niche product and start promoting it...
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    How to start Google AdSense

    From your blogger dashboard, click the Layout => Add A Gadget => HTML/JavaScript and then paste your Adsense code into it and save.
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    Why your Google rankings drop and what you can do about it

    and also, If Google penalizes your site, If you there are pop-ups or pop-unders on your site.
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    Duplicate Content: It's Not What You Think!

    I'm not afraid of the duplicate content issue of SEO because each time I'm using an already written article, I first of all ensure that I've at least changed up to 40% of its content but this post was a really informative one.
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    Does the 'Dash' make a difference ?

    I know that this might be a little bit out of the topic but you can help yourself out by searching for a word that can be spelled in more than one way an example of which is "antispyware" which can also be spelled as "anti spyware" and "anti-spyware". Try it on Google search and yopu will know...
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    Keeping Anchor Texts the Same

    You know that Google changes some of their algoriths=ms regularly, so dont think because your "same in all anchor text" experiment success might last long but I pray it does last long.
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    MSNBot 1.1 is retired

    Its a good development but MSN have not yet indexed my blog after about two weeks of submiting my blog url to them.