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  1. AdWorkMedia

    Official AdWork Media [Deleted]

    This resource has been removed and is no longer available for download.
  2. AdWorkMedia

    Adworks media. Has anyone worked with them?

    Hi Everyone - The emails we were receiving from CoVes were hitting our spam folder due to SpamAssasin's spam filtering. They have great dating offers if anyone is looking to work with them!
  3. AdWorkMedia

    My journey with my first CPA Campaign to make 10k a month.

    Congrats on getting approved, we're happy to help you get more familiar with the affiliate marketing industry! It can be a bit challenging at first but it's worth going through the ropes to learn the basics and it seems that you are very motivated, which is great. A VPS or shared hosting would...
  4. AdWorkMedia

    Official AdWork Media [Deleted]

    AdWorkMedia updated AdWork Media with a new update entry: AdWork Media Read the rest of this update entry...
  5. AdWorkMedia

    Count to 2000.

  6. AdWorkMedia

    What's the best way to promote/market a GPT Site ?

    The best way to promote a GPT site is word of mouth. Having a strong word of mouth referral system is the best bet, as there is alot of competition out there.
  7. AdWorkMedia

    Sent out a reply to you on the 9th!

    Sent out a reply to you on the 9th!
  8. AdWorkMedia

    Official AdWork Media [Deleted]

    Thanks for the kind words!
  9. AdWorkMedia

    Anyone have any experience with link locker?

    Actually you would be surprised that FAX is still a major source of communication. In fact we work with a fax site that uses content locking to provide users discounted faxes!
  10. AdWorkMedia

    Anyone have any experience with link locker?

    You will want to try something that is more legit! If you need help with traffic and niche ideas, please check out our guides over at AdWork Media! Locker Idea Guide!
  11. AdWorkMedia

    Free Traffic Methods for CPA

    While I do suggest paid methods, free is always a great base for any campaign. Heres an older PDF that has some of our best free/paid methods! AdWork Media Free/Paid Methods
  12. AdWorkMedia

    My most successful campaign on Teespring :)

    Your next shirt should say: " Profit: 2232.53 "
  13. AdWorkMedia

    Portfolio Design Freebie

    Awesome share, just added you to my list of "legit designers".
  14. AdWorkMedia

    Trusworthy networks-Incentive space...

    Awesome list! Glad to see CPA Beyond growing as well! Noobies should check out and search the Network name in forums and before signing up with any network!
  15. AdWorkMedia

    Gold The All in One Incentive Network List

    Yes we did! You can check it our here: AdWork Media Offer Wall. We are getting reviews that it is one of the best designed for conversion! Not to mention its mobile optimized!
  16. AdWorkMedia

    Which would be a better paid traffic source?

    Honestly, you have to do your own due diligence. SPLIT TESTING is the key. Split test many different sources, and see which one works for you. Then optimize and scale the best source!
  17. AdWorkMedia

    Newbie from Russia.

    The best way to get accepted to any network is to crack open a bottle of premium russian vodka and speak to an Affiliate Manager.
  18. AdWorkMedia

    What Affiliate Network Is The Best?

    I don't usually use Peerfly but I should. Maybe I'll go do that right now.