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  1. forman

    My pop journey

    According to what i saw on adplexity, For the sweepstakes and antivirus offers, people usually use the landing page. But for the rest, like game, video, download offers, most of them are direct link, so i test the pin submit offers (game, video, etc) by direct link. Is there something that i...
  2. forman

    My pop journey

    I test most of the offes by direct link. Some sweepstakes offers, i use the landing pages downloaded from adplexity. Test cost is average payout*offernumbers*5, all 3g taffic, android, specific carrier, average bid or higher BID. One of my friends said, test many offers and try to find the...
  3. forman

    My pop journey

    The last two weeks, i tested hundreds of pin submit offers of 6 GEO, none of them performance well. ROI is -99%. What is wrong??
  4. forman

    My pop journey

    For the last month, i searched on spy tool, find one offer that traffic volume going up every day. So i copied it. it's a pin-submit offer, direct link. I spend about $600, get a revenue of $600. roi=0. The problem is :At every traffic platform, at first, the conversion rate is high. and...
  5. forman

    My pop journey

    Thank you very much.
  6. forman

    My pop journey

    No, i pick them because they have more traffic than others.
  7. forman


    AffKit In 2018 Rocks!
  8. forman

    My pop journey

    These two days, i tested 8 EG offers and 6 BR offers. All direct link, one carrier, one os, 5X AVERAGE PAYOUT X offer quantity. The result sucks. Maybe i shoud switch to the next GEO.
  9. forman

    Mobile Pop Journey 2017 - Finally Green

    That's a great start. When i found my first profitable campaign, i spend about $4000. Yes, not $40, not $400, more then $4000, maybe $6000 include some other cost. So, you did a great job.
  10. forman

    Mobile Pop Journey 2017 - Finally Green

    How much did you cost for testing these offers before this ROI become +?
  11. forman

    Mobile Pop Journey 2017 - Finally Green

    Looks like You find the right offer and the roi getting better. Keep on going.
  12. forman

    My pop journey

    These days, i tested several offers. find one offer, the status is: time:3 days cost:$21.4 conversions:38 revenue:13.6 The ROI is not very well, seems have potential。 But the main problem is the traffic volume is low. So i give it up, and test the same name offer at the same GEO but the...
  13. forman

    My pop journey

    Thank you for all your advise. I usually explore something on ADP, of course most of the time i usa it to download the landing page. But i really don't know why that every time i tested the "most volume campaign ON ADP“, all end with bad performance.
  14. forman

    My pop journey

    In the past two days, i tested a top offer of RS at propelerads, with several different landing pages. 20k impressions,cost $15, no conversion.
  15. forman

    My pop journey

    I mostly use ADP to see what other people run and what kind of campaign they are running. I filter buy networks or traffic source. Don't know why can't find a good campaign for me.
  16. forman

    My pop journey

    One or two offers everyday. Sometimes more, that'sdepands!
  17. forman

    My pop journey

    For this offer, i tested it with direct link. For the first 1000 impressions, cost $1.8, generated revenue $1.2 of 2 conversions, not too bad. So i continue and leave the computer along. After 6 hours when i came back, i received 5000 impressions more, costed me $9 and generated revenue $1.8 of...
  18. forman

    My pop journey

    The TH offer, traffic lost about 50% spend: $13 revenue: $2.75 I think it's time to stop it. For the antivirus offer. I only received 500 impressions, and the CTR is only 2%. Stopped it.
  19. forman

    My pop journey

    I am using pop as the main traffic source.
  20. forman

    My pop journey

    If you can find one offer that convert well after spend only $100, that's will be great. I hope i can have that lucky. You just spend $5 for each offer, that's a very good. I usually spend $200 and only tested less than 10 offers. Wasted too much money. Today, i created one campaign, GEO is...