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  1. W

    Email Marketing Strategies

    Always ensure that you customize your messages based on their segmentation. People like to feel that you aren't sending a generic email to them. Find a solid email marketing platform that does that and automates personalization for you.
  2. W

    How fast can you type?

    Mine sits at 70+ WPM but that comes with errors too :)
  3. W

    Pharmaceutical Affiliate Program

    Check out Commission Factory and Skimlinks. Could be affiliate programs worth your while.
  4. W

    Best affiliate program

    For me, ClickFunnels is one of the best right now but you'd be surprised about others too.
  5. W

    Thank u:)

    Welcome!! Hope you get want you want out of being part of the community
  6. W

    New here

    I think of it in terms of who, what, where, how Best way to start is to work out who you're going to sell to, who is you're target customer/niche. Then what are you going to promote, find something that you're comfortable in promoting The where is then where does your target customer...
  7. W

    Question: Clickfunnel Ideas & What Super Affiliates Do?

    A mix of everything usually, but if you're a newbie probably better to stick with one source of traffic before trying everything. I've been stuck in that trap before trying to get everything to work and end up getting nothing to work!! Depends on whether you have the budget to run paid...
  8. W

    What are the best affiliate networks/strategies?

    I've found it difficult to go after multiple products and networks
  9. W

    Last Movie You Watched??

    Rock n Roller by Guy Ritchie
  10. W

    Newbie (ish) here

    My advice is to pick one traffic source and master that first. I spent alot of time trying so many traffic sources and projects. I did not get anywhere. I had bright shiny object syndrome, which took me a long time to get over lol.
  11. W

    What I've learned of hiring Virtual Assistants

    Fiverr or Upwork are good places to start. You can filter for what skills you need. But it's important to interview them first and get them to do a trial task, then put them on say a 3 month trial. I had to go through this process a number of times before I got someone who is reliable.
  12. W

    Paid vs. organic traffic

    Depends on your budget, as you can sink alot of money fast. Both paid and organic are long term plays, because even though paid traffic is faster, it's still about building up retargeting lists. It's been shown that for people to become buyers can take up to 7 exposures to an offer/product.
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    Welcome Ibby Hope you find what you are looking for here
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    Welcome, hope you find what you're looking for
  15. W

    Methods of generatring free traffic

    I've found trying to concentrate on too many channels is hard, I would just pick one. You can always use software to distribute to social channels, but to come up with content, I would just pick one
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    Best Video Software to edit video for YouTube

    If you're on mac, I've used imovie which is pretty good
  17. W

    What is a good way to rank my videos on YouTube?

    Optimising for thumbnail, tags, titles and description is true, also finding out what people are searching for before you make videos is essential, Use Vid IQ (a chrome extension) and it's free to do the research. You can find low competition search terms as it rates searches low, medium, high...
  18. W

    I have found Mr. Crestani's Training very Encouraging.

    Yes, he has some good training material, very easy to implement
  19. W

    I'm New To CPA Marketing

    Welcome to affiliate fix. I hope you find what you are looking for
  20. W

    Email marketing software

    Mailchimp have a free plan, if your subscriber list is less than 2000