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  1. tweety23

    What are you listening to?

    Currently listening to "Paradise" by Coldplay.
  2. tweety23

    Lurkers >.<

    I've been guilty of lurking before. I don't think it's really all that bad though.
  3. tweety23

    How much have you made this month?

    ^ Yeah, that's always good to get that extra surprise when you aren't really expecting it :).
  4. tweety23

    What Websites Do You Write For?

    ^ There isn't much traffic on YCN. I've personally given up on writing for the site anyway. I'll probably check out Knoji and Sirgo since I've never heard of those sites.
  5. tweety23

    Your current mood?

    Still pretty pissed because I haven't gotten my laptop back..
  6. tweety23

    How to earn money from surveys

    Oh yeah, I'm sorry this has happened to me before. Several times actually. It can be pretty frustrating and that is one of the reasons why I stopped doing surveys as well. I thought you meant that you got kicked off the actual site.
  7. tweety23

    How did you earn your first dollar on the web?

    That sounds pretty dreadful.
  8. tweety23

    Your first online job?

    ^Good idea. It would be a shame to waste your talent. I've worked as an on-air personality at my college's radio station as well and it was pretty difficult for me to get the hang of it. I personally know that I don't have the talent for it, but there are some people that do and you should...
  9. tweety23

    How much have you made this month?

    ^I see what you mean by that. Sometimes I get caught up in the habit of doing that too. But it's best to just keep working and occasionally check to see how you're doing.
  10. tweety23

    How to earn money from surveys

    What survey sites have you been using? This has never happened with me.
  11. tweety23

    PayMate and previously limited PayPal members?

    That would be pretty cool if they did, especially in your case. So are you saying that you can never use PayPal the same way you used to again? Your limited status is permanent?
  12. tweety23

    How to earn money from surveys

    Well, it sounds like you are one of the few people that have had success with using a survey site. Congrats :).
  13. tweety23

    Username for Your Social Media Account

    ^That's what I was thinking. This should work.
  14. tweety23

    Do you trust thosse "Earn easy money online" sites

    Yes, I've fallen for the online survey scams that say you can make around $500 a month through their site. I've also paid to use one of these sites but I got my money back after I wasn't happy with the site was offering.
  15. tweety23

    Username for Your Social Media Account

    What social media account are you using? Wouldn't your real name be appropriate enough?
  16. tweety23

    Picked up any bad habits?

    Well, even though I'm not a webmaster, being an online writer can cause you to develop some bad habits too. I actually like to frequently check my page view statistics pretty often as well. I also try to continuously promote my articles any way that I can.
  17. tweety23


    Cool :). Welcome to the forum.
  18. tweety23

    What is the weather like?

    In the northeast, it's pretty snowy right now.
  19. tweety23

    Your current mood?

    I'm actually a little agitated right now. This past week, I was kicked off of my college's internet connection because of a virus that I had on my computer. Now, I have no laptop for the long weekend and have to go to the computer labs to get work done. It's pretty frustrating.
  20. tweety23

    Your most common reply?

    "Lol" would probably be mine as well.