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  1. J

    The best sources about SEO?

    The forums are great places to keep up to date and learn about any new trick, things you shouldn't do and many more. I have learnt more and been updated frequently through forum and it happens easily for me too. Simply, make it a habit to visit the forum everyday for at least 5min and browse...
  2. J

    Google Over-Optimization Penalty - SEO Gossip and Drama

    Today its over optimization, tomorrow God knows what. I guess this is just another myth or strategy by gossipers to derail amateurs.
  3. J


    Affiliate marketing is one of the most complicated business on the internet, the few that understand the dos and don't make hell of money from it, the large that just follow a straight path that leads no where often believe the internet is the wrongest place to ever seek for a living. John
  4. J

    Why You Should Never Build Your Site on a Free Subdomain

    Certainly, having a site on a sub domain is like renting an apartment for business. The owner can say pack out, Government can make new laws that might only favor the land lord and not the tenants. John
  5. J

    Hello Everbody, Nice To Be Here...

    You are welcome and nice to hear you know about the path to online success. We hope, to see your valuable contributions in the near future.
  6. J

    Word Press Blog

    Serious people go for where they have the chance to get a selfhosted wordpress. However, the free version can be use drive traffic and syndicate content for back links.
  7. J

    Hubpages - Linking Your Relevant Hubs Helps them in the SERPs

    Linking your hub is not going to do much good except you will some back links. There are thousands of people doing this and there is no way its is going to be effective when there are sites with better page rank and links.
  8. J

    How to increase article submission efficiency? What practices do you use?

    If you are using article marketing to drive traffic to your site it is going to be a different ball game than using it for back linking purpose. If you are using article marketing for traffic purpose you would want to fish out the top 5 article directories and prepare several unique different...
  9. J

    Driving Traffic to New Website

    Have you researched if there is the market for your kind of daycare on the internet. My connection is kind of slow due to heavy down pour destroying many equipments, i would have checked that out for you. You can use "Google keyword tool" to know if there is market for your service. Then pick...
  10. J

    Hello, newbie here

    Welcome, i am an affiliate marketer, web design, content writer, SEO experts and link building specialist. I wish you success but remember, persistency and hard work is the key. John
  11. J

    Don?t Outsource Your Content Overseas?

    That is right Minstrel. This is largely because most of the well established site and places where you would want to use your content is based in U.S and when they are reviewing the content written by a non-english speaking country, there is a high chance that the article is not going to be...
  12. J

    Even Steve Jobs made mistakes...

    His governance is the only reason why APPLE still leaves up till now.
  13. J

    No traffic, I mean 0

    There are several factors that can make you not to receive any traffic to your site. 1. Not promoting it in the appropriate place where there is plenty of traffic. Pick a few high ranking forums related to your niche and start posting them with your site in the signature area. Write articles...
  14. J

    Is Article Marketing Really Free Advertising?

    Article marketing is free, you only have the choice to outsource your article writing because some people are more gifted in the act of writing, this is natural. Whether you have to distribute it is a choice, you can pay some one to do, buy a software for it or do it manually. There are...
  15. J

    10 Things Google Wished You Knew

    That was really helpful post. Some time people can go on and on believing the unbelieving and going the wrong way of things. More grease to your elbow.
  16. J

    What is the best wordpress theme/style?

    This depends on the kind of services you intend to offer. The search engine is a great place to find to find tons of free themes or you can get a paid theme which are called premium themes.
  17. J

    How to Get the Best Link from RSS Feeds?

    I would like to have detailed information on how to grab tons of links using rss feeds. I just created a new blog and would love to create several feeds for it, mash them together and get them on rss aggregators. I would love to know if their is a good tool that eases the job out there.
  18. J

    How to submit your new Affiliate Program?

    See List of Affiliate Program Directories for affiliate directory list. I am not sure of the data feeds.
  19. J

    What's going on fellow marketers?

    Julian, is your marketing online based or offline. Here you are going to find a lot of resource to help better/improve your current knowledge. Welcome on board ma am!
  20. J

    Duplicate Content: It's Not What You Think!

    Another SEO myth that many find difficult to believe. Thanks for pointing it out clearly here for everyone to see, learn and apply.