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  • Users: Strickland
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  1. Strickland

    A Little Help With Spy Tools & Campaigns

    So, after a couple of years of going head to head with Google, I've decided to give media buying another shot. I've got myself a spytool and I'm digging in, but already I'm overwhelmed. :eek: So generaly with a cpa offer when you guys run a campaign at what point do you begin to realize it's...
  2. Strickland

    Push Subs Script

    Does anyone know of a script or website where I can build my own push database? I want to collect push subs from my pre-landers and then send out my own push campaign to them. Any ideas? :)
  3. Strickland

    Does Article Marketing Still Work In 2022?

    Just clearing out some space on my hard drive and found a bunch of articles that I'd decided not to publish. It seems a shame to chuck them in the recycle bin. I've been thinking about publishing them to article directories or maybe using them for guest posts. Not sure what to do, any ideas?
  4. Strickland

    Growing My Site Using Only Social Media

    Hi AffiliateFixers, I was thinking it’s probably about time I started a journey thread, so here it is my next experiment. I've been wondering just how much traffic can I get from social media. So I set up this project to focus purely on that. I’ll be using a brand new website, on a brand new...
  5. Strickland

    Any Affiliate Networks With Good Content Lockers?

    Hi People, I'm scaling up on a campaign and need to find a network with decent content locker offers for mobile. I'm already with cpabuild. I tried to join OGAds but they denied me :( Are there any others worth a shot?
  6. Strickland

    Can You Help Me Choose A Domain?

    I know this question has been asked before but I can't find the thread, so I'm asking again :) For the purpose of a blog and SEO, which domain name would be better 1. (.com extention with hyphen) 2. (.net extention) 3. www.vintage.redwine...
  7. Strickland

    My First Bragging Thread

    Ok don't get excited, I have no stories of great riches, but. With all the research I've done on copy, I've been testing out a push campaign with 10 different creatives. The average CTR for creatives in this vertical and country is 0.33% (as best I can find anyway). I have managed to get two...
  8. Strickland

    This Book Really Helped My Ad Stratergy

    I read alot of books, at the moment I'm reading alot about advertisng and salesmanship it's not my background at all and I'm finding it very interesting. I just finished a book called Scientific Advertising by Claude C. Hopkins It has to be the best thing I've read so far. I don't know who...
  9. Strickland

    New Blogger Question

    I'm new to blogging, I've been messing around with stuff just to get my feet wet but nothing serious. I want to learn more so I'm going to start a blog and see if I can get it ranked in google. My goal here is to learn I'm not focused too much on the money side of things right now. Although I...
  10. Strickland

    Should I Design Or Buy

    I've been messing around with wordpress for a couple of days trying my hand at making squeeze pages for a project I'm doing. The more I research the subject the more it confuses me. I don't have the funds to throw traffic at these pages to test them out and tweek the conversions so Im begining...
  11. Strickland

    Affiliates Old & New What Makes It Difficult For You

    Calling out to all affiliates, New, Intermediate & Experienced When you started out on you affiliate journey what were your pitfalls, what was it that held you back, got in the way or just generally made life hard for you. For me as a newbie I feel Im constantly fighting three things 1...
  12. Strickland

    Are Domain Redirects Worth a Shot?

    Hi, I have a simple funnel set up, I've been working on it for a few weeks now, it's my first attempt so Im not expecting miricales :) Basically its a landing page collecting emails in return for a free ebook, then a ten day email followup sequence promoting a clickbank offer. I have a sales...
  13. Strickland

    Hey Everyone, Another Newbie Intro :)

    Hi All, I've had a bit of time to read through some threads here and I'm looking forward to being part of your community. Im new to affiliate marketing, I've done alot of research over the past few months but haven't yet put anything into action. I already have a bunch of questions I'd like to...