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  1. M

    the Black Ink Project by Jeremy Palmer - FREE Affiliate Training!

    :) Linda I have been working the blank ink project and the info. is solid. I can't believe there is no fee for this. Hats off to Jeremy.
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    The stompernet free videos are great. Going natural 3.0 series has a download *free* for you called siteseer that is a big help with things that may be wrong with your site. It was a build up to the re-opening of stompernet- cost is $797. a month...someday I maybe able to afford that, lol...
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    Duplicate Content

    Thank you. I try to never buy if I can help it. There is so much free, good advice out there that if you persist, and are patient, you will find what you need. :) Deb.
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    Duplicate Content

    Thank you. That did answer the question. It isn't a gimick, it is a free video series to help you with your site. I just was not understanding what was presented. I needed James to explain the :o . If you go to you will see the video's. There are two so...
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    Duplicate Content

    :eek: Oh my...I'm waiting on the edge of my seat! Love you guys, Deb.
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    Duplicate Content

    That's ok Linda I'm lost too, so don't worry. I has to do with making sure your content is original. :eek: Deb.
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    Duplicate Content

    :) Hi, I have a question, please help I'm being dense today. I am getting videos from stompernet, it is their going natural 2 series. I do not belong to stompernet so I can not access the forums and see if my answer is there. The second video is about duplicate content, and it has me confused...
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    Any Good Article Submission Sites

    I have used Helium a few times. It is different:eek: . Not bad and you can get paid for some submissions.:)
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    The Next Internet Millionaire

    Hi. Sorry I gave some wrong info. yesterday. The next installment is not until the 27th. :( So sorry.
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    The Next Internet Millionaire

    I am with you Coast Guy, just watched week one and thought it was very good. It was right up there with what you see on T.V. I can't wait for tomorrow to see the second show.:) It kept me watching and I have to tell you I don't watch that much T.V. without getting distracted.
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    The Next Internet Millionaire

    Thanks Linda. I didn't know this was going to be on. Missed the show on the 15th will have to look for it this week. From the trailer it looks a bit like the next cooking show host thingy:o . I am of two minds, will have to watch and find out.
  12. M

    When is a good time for Affiliates to get ready for Christmas?

    Hi. Just getting Fall Halloween Thanksgiving up and running:) but have plans in hopper for Christmas. Don't like to spring things on my customers to soon.:rolleyes: But that is just me.
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    5 Star is the Greatest

    They say confession is good for the soul. I.... have a habbit. I could eat pizza 24/7. <object width="425" height="350"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src=""...
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    5 Star is the Greatest

    Hey everyone. Don't know why I couldn't answer this yesterday. Must have had brain freeze :p . My favorite actor has to be Johnny Depp. The man can do anything. This clip is a good one...enjoy. <object width="425" height="350"><param name="movie"...
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    5 Star is the Greatest

    Larry forgot about that Del Shannon song, good one. My favorite actress at the moment would have to be Kera Knightly. Hard to believe in this clip she was only 15. <object width="425" height="350"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="wmode"...
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    5 Star is the Greatest

    Here is mine Larwee. It is what I truly believe. :) All you out there in 5 Star Land ... Remember Just Love Yourself and Dream. <object width="425" height="350"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed...
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    5 Star is the Greatest

    Had to think about my favorite T. V. show, don't watch too much. Am really excited that dancing with the stars starts again Sept. 19th :) <object width="425" height="350"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="wmode"...
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    5 Star is the Greatest

    Hi guys, Thank you ayush...needed those words as this is how I am feeling right now. :) <a href="" rel=bookmark><img class=comic title="Boca Computer Repair" alt="Boca Computer Repair"...
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    5 Star is the Greatest

    Thank you so much Linda. How simple, yet how
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    5 Star is the Greatest

    Great football clip. :) How do you download clips from Utube. I have been trying to figure it out and can't seem to get it through my head, or maybe you can't? I'm confused. Also my Steelers lost last night...:( But hey the Pirates won. :D Deb.