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  • Users: Lorna
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  1. L

    Are people more polite in virtual worlds

    I have found in a few forums that I am a member of that people seem to start off being quite polite to each other, and then as time goes on and they get more familiar, the politeness goes and they start ripping each other apart. Perhaps in real life they would do that too - how would you know -...
  2. L

    Hello I am keen to learn how to launch and attract members

    Hi Stephanie It is nice to see another female here. I know how difficult it is to get a forum up and running, believe me!, but you are definately in the right place for advice - I have found the guys on here to be really great and spot-on with advice. I will pop over and join your forum now...
  3. L

    Have you used craig's list?

    Yes that it what I meant to say! When checking the backlinks for my site it seemed a popular one with Google. I have a feeling you have to renew the listing every so often, so perhaps check that out!!:) And I am glad to have been of help - and it's not often I can say that !!:)
  4. L

    Charging $ on a site

    purely from a consumer point of view I would want to see items on a site listed in £'s. It would make me suspicious if it wasn't.
  5. L

    Have you used craig's list?

    I entered my site onto it, and have not had referrals from it, however it does seem a good backlink to have in search engine terms (I actually sound like I know what I am talking about for a change!)
  6. L

    Male or Female

    I appear to be the only female so far!!! Could I just ask what the 'other' option is to be used for?:sCo_idk4:
  7. L

    Social Bookmarking over hyped?

    I agree - it takes work setting all your profiles up, loads of time to maintain them and make connections and in my experience nothing comes of it. You then realise that your time would have been better spent concentrating on your own site. By the way Temi - you seem very popular - I've just...
  8. L

    design newsletters..

    I send and ditribute newsletters, and use 1.2.all email distribution software, but that is all I can tell you I am afraid - it was built into our site back office for me.
  9. L

    Reliable payment processor

    On my site I am looking for a reliable and trusted payment processor, which does not have massive set up costs. Has anyone experiece of nochex? I have heard they are quite good, but would like some feedback if you have some. I don't want to use paypal - it is not really compatible for th...
  10. L

    Traffic -- how do you get it?

    I have used stumbleupon too, but as you say, the traffic peak was for one day, and that was it. I've used facebook, my space and squidoo. Facebook is ok, but to be honest it takes so much work keeping the profiles on those sites going that for me they aren't effective. I think that those sorts...
  11. L

    Some advice please

    I had noticed that Google had indexed our privacy policy a lot. Our 'bricks and mortar' address is in out terms & conditions - will they pick this up from there?
  12. L

    Some advice please

    I will add a bit on to the registration form to say that we never sell addreses on. The only reason we ask is that it makes it quicker for people to enter property details once you have registered, and we just use one registration system for the forum and other functions of the site. It aslo...
  13. L

    Some advice please

    Could you expand on this please?
  14. L

    Some advice please

    Hi Bagi Thanks for your advice - I will certainly take a look at your article! Many thanks for taking the time to look at my site.
  15. L

    Some advice please

    Thanks Temi. I will take your advice and get those things sorted. Thanks for your suggestions.
  16. L

    Some advice please

    Hello I have spent the past week or so optimising my home page. I am very new to SEO, but have tried to use all the things I have learned from these forums and some other stuff I have read. I know I'm not 100% there yet, but I would really apprecite if you would have a quick look and see if...
  17. L

    Your thoughts about this forum

    I think it can be frustrating when you have quiet spells. I get them on my forum, and then all of a sudden it picks up. A lot of people don't realise the amount of work that goes into a forum in my opinion. I think this forum seems very friendly and covers a wide range of topics - I always...
  18. L

    Housing prices

    Personally I don't think they will decrease - perhaps the rate they are rising at will cool off a bit - with the interest rate rises and the introduction of Home Information Pack people may wait before selling until things settle down. However City bonuses are likely to be high again this...
  19. L

    Do you backup your data?

    I back up my pc to a site called It is free up to a certain size of storage, and has been pretty good so far. You can set it to back up automatically, which is handy. i only started back ing up after the hard drive failed on my old pc, and I lost absolutely everything:(
  20. L

    How can you limit spam on forums?

    How did you do that - is it a plugin, or something you change on your forum settings?