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  1. mdvelops

    Review my New Website

    Yeah the top bar needs everything to be aligned. But I like the simple layout. Not too much going on or a lot of colors in my face. Solid design.
  2. mdvelops

    Best way to deal with content thieves?

    Wonder how long that DMCA thing takes. I would think it's very hard to prevent, though, since anybody can just go and copy what you said and paste it elsewhere. I actually see it a lot when I Google something recent...the same few paragraphs will pop up on different sites and it's like...
  3. mdvelops

    Need help - Whre can i sell my site

    Yes, try Flippa. My buddy has used it a few times. Nothing crazy profitable, but it has definitely worked for him. Give it a look.
  4. mdvelops

    Last TV show you watched

    Watched House last night...currently watching it now. Good show! Especially for people who like sarcasm.
  5. mdvelops

    Do you use GIMP?

    Gimp is good for it being cheap. I have used it for basic things like removing backgrounds, resizing, pixelating, etc. It's pretty basic but hey it works! I don't really need to edit images with anything crazy that Photoshop can do.
  6. mdvelops

    Which Is Best: Samsung Galaxy S6 vs iPhone 6?

    From usage it's definitely personal preference. Not really sure what else you would like to know... I just prefer iPhones since I used them more and code in iOS and know a bit more about them...but I've used Android before and have liked it also.
  7. mdvelops

    how type Blog is Good

    You want to pick something that you know about and you like to write about...but also isn't very saturated. Something like entertainment and fitness has A LOT of people writing about already so it will be hard to get people to read your things.
  8. mdvelops

    Do You Offer Searching On Your Site?

    It's pretty good. I have it as a little widget since I don't code myself but use a service. It wouldn't hurt! And makes it easier to use your site.
  9. mdvelops

    Who Can Post Last

    Will only be me for a few minutes :P
  10. mdvelops

    Will Java die in 5 years?

    Die meaning anything in the future won't be used? OR that anything on Java ever will be useless? It's such a huge language now it won't die completely, I feel. If a company uses Java for some products it keeps putting out, it won't just stop using Java and make the huge switch.
  11. mdvelops

    Using numbers on domain name

    Characters > numbers. But usually with bookmarking and the browser to auto-fill based on your recent searches, it might not be too big of an issue. With good content people will remember!
  12. mdvelops

    Expensive Domain Names — Are They Worth It?

    Depends on the potential. If I already have a decent income source from something and I wanted to make it available on a site, it could be worth it. If it was just an idea and wanted the name...probably not worth it to start with!
  13. mdvelops

    Securing Your Computer System

    Good tutorial. Online backups are nice and definitely worth it. Although you can be perfect with what you do online and there are still ways for someone to get your info. Just be smart and safe!
  14. mdvelops

    Visual Basic

    I've found it pretty simple to use, and i have coded in Swift and Java. It's pretty simple to understand and pretty effective for a lot of tasks.
  15. mdvelops

    Spend Money On Marketing Before You Start Making Any Money?

    Where will you get proof that you will make money before you even try? Seems counter-intuitive. You can have leads that say they are interested in a product/website, or you can have a blog that has many visitors so you know you can get approved for ads, but aside from that there's not much you...
  16. mdvelops

    Android Or iOS?

    I've used both and they both work in relatively the same way. Apple has more hoops to jump through and there's less customization and such, but things feel safer with them because they are exclusive just on iPhones and stuff. From a use standpoint I don't mind either. I code iOS though so I...
  17. mdvelops

    Monetizing Blogger account

    I would just focus on traffic generation and making sure your domain name is okay. In the mean time maybe try some affiliate links or something. Promote a bit more and hopefully you can be approved.
  18. mdvelops

    I need some coding advice

    I take it you were looking for just a plug in? I know you can handle this stuff with some backend stuff with a small database to keep track of who is where, then display it on the page. But from your desire for using plug ins I take it that it might be too complicated. You can definitely do...
  19. mdvelops

    Mobile Apps in the Workplace.

    They aren't, curerntly. We do have outlook and stuff so we communicate through email, or just walk over to each other's area, as it's organized and a smaller company. I do find it hard outside of work to access my work email and stuff. If our company had an app for means of email checking...
  20. mdvelops

    Tips on managing multiple weibites

    Definitely get a list of what you need to do for each. Maybe even a large dry-erase board, and separate into 3 pieces, and have an official list. It'll help you feel organized, and even motivated seeing your hard work on a physical apparatus to appreciate and be able to manage. Otherwise...