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  • Users: MES
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  1. MES

    Hello Everyone......

    Welcome aboard 99blogs. Glad to meet you here :)
  2. MES

    Google and Geographic Targeted SERPs

    Hi Surrey, Thanks for your info. At least we can be aware with this changing. But I think you can run test again in next month to get better result :)
  3. MES

    link exchange is effect to promote your website

    Yes, I think so. But it will be more helpful if links come from related topic with your site.
  4. MES

    Hello Everybody

    Hello Dan, Welcome to UKWW forum and Merry X-mas to you too :)
  5. MES

    Welcome me with Smile...

    Welcome Terrence, Of course I like to give you my smile :)
  6. MES

    hello all

    Hi Ocean, You are heartly welcome here ... ! :)
  7. MES


    Hello Shirley, Welcome aboard ! Glad to "meet" you here :)
  8. MES

    Newbie here!

    Hello Sonia, Welcome to Mortal Combat ... oops sorry, I mean welcome to UK Webmaster World ! Your name remind me a hero in Mortal Combat :)
  9. MES

    kabonfootprint contest cancelled

    OK everybody, I think it's time to stop blaming each other. We can learn many things from this situation, but please take the positive points. For Temi, please don't blame yourself. We are always and remind your friends. We respect your opinion. Thank you for everything you have done. You...
  10. MES

    SEO Contest2008 2.0 days away

    Will SEOcontest2008 2.0 run on July 31st, 2008 ?
  11. MES

    Seo Contest 2.0 Month Decider

    I vote October. 3 months competition period from October - November - December. In the new year 2009 the winners will receive the prize, that will become the The New Year Price... :)
  12. MES

    Shere Team not impressed

    Ha ha.. you are funny Benj... :laugh: I like your style. @Kad Eclipsis, nice to meet you here Kad. So long since our last talking at seosphere forum. @Temi, when the SEOcontest2008 2.0 will begin? How about 3 months before the New Year 2009 (start in October 2008)? The prize will be the...
  13. MES

    SEO Contest suggest your own rules

    Hi Ced, thanks for your reply and offer. "Blue SEO helmets" is a cool team name :) . I guess you are thinking Black/White Hat SEO related with the team name. You change the word "black/white" to "blue" and the word "hat" to "helmet". It's cool. Ok, I wanna share my ideas as you ask...
  14. MES

    Sphere Team how many members?

    So am I Dwi "Pogung". We can make a new team then :)
  15. MES

    Seo Contest 2.0 - Contest length

    Hi Benj, I agree with you. I prefer going solo too... :) There are many lessons we can learn from this SEOcontest2008. I think we will need a special ebook to write down all contestants' experiences. This will be a new business I think :beer:.
  16. MES

    SEO Contest suggest your own rules

    Thanks Benj for considering us as "a hard team to beat". I think it's good if you and me create ASEAN Team with Indonesia, Phillipines, and other ASEAN countries join in :) Well, we can create "United Nations online" too if needed :D
  17. MES

    Whatever happend to the Bulgarian contestant?

    I use subdomain too... and I am in the Top10 list. I think I am the only one in Top10 list that use a subdomain :) But I am sure all of us will do better in the next SEO contest. Never ever give up and keep good working !
  18. MES

    SEO Contest suggest your own rules

    Yes Temi, that's what I mean. Thank you.
  19. MES

    SEO Contest suggest your own rules

    To be counted from Google, Yahoo, and MSN SERP... ? Hmm, I think it looks like globalwarming seocontest2007. It's better if we have something new and unique SEO contest. Btw, I agree with all points from Resonate. I just want to add a sentence: "You must do your SEO contest by yourself...
  20. MES

    Seo Contest 2.0 - Contest length

    In 2 months I can reach the Top 10 Google SERP (rank 9 :) ) But I don't have a special team like French Task Force (Sphere Team) or Phinoy Team. Even though Indonesian contestants use the same flag and symbol, but we do SEOcontest2008 by ourselves, not organized well like Sphere Team or Phinoy...