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  1. S

    Hello Malta!

    Job, internship,... LdVinci program is funding participant from 3- 6 months. And I wrote a "company".. It does not have to be a company, one man band is perfectly fine also. It just needs to be registered as an official business. I tried search and no "Malta" entries. K, can you check on...
  2. S

    Hello Malta!

    Hey all, I am introducing again. The aim of this message is to present myself to companies from MALTA. I am looking for a company based on Malta, because I would like to go on a European project named Leonardo Da Vinci. All you need to do is to fill out some forms (I will provide...
  3. S

    Youtube + CPA offer

    And what to look for? Views, backlinks, likes, everything??
  4. S

    Youtube + CPA offer

    Its kind of unbelievable, but it is working yes! I also mass bookmark with senuke and see the progress. Do you do article marketing also? Currently my stats: I changed title and description and now I am currently on page 2, so no visits, except some small amount of traffic through suggested...
  5. S

    One word about the network above you!

    CPAway Affiliate Trading
  6. S

    Youtube + CPA offer

    @seoeymard - there are no new leads @Ehsan_am - what kind of call to action do you do? With picture or caption? @Legioner - I heard of that software and now I checked how it works.. Looks good, you say it is effective? Do you use it by yourself?
  7. S

    Youtube + CPA offer

    @seoeymard - there are no new leads @Ehsan_am - what kind of call to action do you do? With picture or caption? @Legioner - I heard of that software and now I checked how it works.. Looks good, you say it is effective? Do you use it by yourself?
  8. S

    Newbie 411 Preview.

    Lookin good!
  9. S

    youtube offer vid please look @

    smilodon, I think that you missed in his post that he is blind. Literally.
  10. S

    Youtube + CPA offer

    Hello, I decided to make my own case study on youtube marketing + cpa offer. I made this video with animoto yesterday and uploaded it to youtube. HOW TO GET MAGAZINES? - YouTube - I switched the link to some random video due to advice of david15923 I havent done any serious keyword research...
  11. S

    Ranking on youtube

    Hello, when creating video, are you looking into ytb keyword tool also? Since I do not find any good results within my topic. For exact match is "not enoug searches" for the most keywords, even if in adwords KT gets over 3000 exact searches. I hope that this isnt important :)
  12. S

    Affiliate Trading

    Can you direct link on Affiliate Trading? Thanks
  13. S

    wordpress plugin

    Here it is, jquery: function diminish() { var text = $("span").text(); if (text == 1) { clearInterval($("span").data('interval')); } else { $("span").text(parseInt(text - 1)); } } var intv = setInterval(diminish, 1000); $("span").data('interval', intv); The admin can close the topic.
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    wordpress plugin

    I am sorry if this is not the right topic, but I did not find better one. I am looking for a wordpress plugin or some code, that would show to visitor when he comes on the site something like this: Only 9 product remaining. (when he will be on the site for lets say 10 seconds it will...
  15. S

    Statistics mismatch

    I am running a campaign on eleavers network. My statistic does not match. Eleavers: 32 clicks (not impressions) Google Analytics: 22 visits Reported clicks on my network: 8 (here I expect it might be a lag- EDIT: also there could not be country problem, because I see if there is visitor from...
  16. S

    Juicy Ads - Brazil Dating Offer - NSFW.

    check, but conversion was bad for me. After 60 clicks not a single conversion, i quit this campaign. But may works better for you.
  17. S

    2nd tier ppc networks?

    I use Dating offers mainly, a lot of clicks but low conversion (1-2 percent). But that may be due to offers. Cheap clicks, like 0.02 to 0.05 and first place. You can have ads with pictures.
  18. S

    160$ coupon to spend on Adwords- Dating Niche

    The reason is I already have credits on my PPC, I got some vouchers. First I want to see if it works, and then I will go to 7search or similar and invest some money. I will try to have 5 products/services and will cloak the links. Will see what it happens. BTW: if someone has webpage, which...
  19. S

    160$ coupon to spend on Adwords- Dating Niche

    I think this url =' ' (i cannot paste links yet) is the most important thing I should be aware of. I am not obliged to "dating", so I will maybe find some other product. K, can you please explain a...