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  • Users: hay moshe
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  1. hay moshe

    Seeking Help casino gambling offers for Israel traffic

    Hey. im looking for some casino gambling offers that can be international or for my country Israel do you know any networks that have that offer? thank you!
  2. hay moshe

    i cant make a post in general forum

    im trying to make a new post but I can't. and im not putting any links what's wrong?
  3. hay moshe

    CPL offers

    Hello (please delete if this is not the right thread) im looking for real CPL offers I mean most of the time when I go to maxbounty or offervault the lead is actually a sale and i don't get paid per lead how can I find a high payout for only lead is that still exist? thank you.
  4. hay moshe

    Have a small list of MMO but no progress

    hello I have a small list of making money online very small tho but the power is not in the numbers as I was told im sending 2-3 emails per week but the opening rate and the click rate are not that great what will you advise me to do I bought some books about email marketing the lp I...
  5. hay moshe

    Facebook ad creative size

    what is the Facebook ad creative size recommended? I tried to make a creative that has 1920 x 1080 but keep resizing it -I only need for Facebook feed and maybe and the left column what should be the right size? I'm using canva
  6. hay moshe

    a way to make creative for ebooks

    Hi I'm looking for way to make a creative to appear as an ebook and tablet you know when you offer a free ebook to download for your leads where can i make that creative i have my ebook thanks
  7. hay moshe

    affordable link tracker platforms

    Hi guys which link tracker are you using right now? I'm looking for an affordable one that suites for beginners/medium also that you have conversions and UTM option in it a platform like click magick do you have one?
  8. hay moshe

    UTM and tracking

    HI GUYS i hope some of you uses a UTM and URL parameter and I have a question my traffic is Facebook ads how do I set up a UTM link if I don't have a website but an affiliate link? is there a video on how to build one? i saw some and didnt help me too much
  9. hay moshe

    how do you guys approch to finding your avater ?

    I'm having some trouble finding my ideal customer. how do you guys approach it? do you have some good videos about it for me ? all though i did saw some videos about this topic there is this task to ask questions to for finding it but there are some questions I just can't fully answer them...
  10. hay moshe

    what are the differences

    I'm pretty good at bringing leads and I thought i should enter the PPC (pay per call industry ) because there is more high payout there what are the differences between them?
  11. hay moshe

    does ppc and ppl are the same?

    I'm pretty good at bringing leads and I thought i should enter the PPC (pay per call industry ) because they are more high payout there what are the differences between them ?
  12. hay moshe

    how to not get blocked again from facebook advertising

    i have been block once and than i gave my self access to one of my relatives Facebook account but now I have been block again without doing anything are they are any solutions?
  13. hay moshe

    affiliate marketing with booking qestions

    i want to work with booking .com i need a website to get started? I work in a hotel and I want to combine it with orders i get asked when I close a deal/ recommend my hotel 2. is it possible how can I do that?
  14. hay moshe

    married demographics at facebook audience

    why I can't find married demographics at the Facebook audience i tried to look for more info about my dream customer but Facebook doesn't show anything about it is it a bug ? or it is for every one why sometimes Facebook does not show stats? (i do know not all interests are targeted available )
  15. hay moshe

    how do i check if affiliate network is reliable and worthy

    i saw once some site does have a revies on affiliates networks can you show me one site like this ? i want to join some network i saw and don't know how to check if they are reliable
  16. hay moshe

    looking for high payouts for lead netwroks

    hi i have experience of 3 years in marketing and now looking for good and quality networks that have a pretty high payout for giving them leads i mainly work with Facebook ads so if you have a recommendation of networks for it or other suggestions I will be very happy thanks
  17. hay moshe

    please help! cant set my faceboook pixel on clickbank

    hi i put my facebook pixel at vendor setting at clickbank where you should put your pixel but when i go to my affiliate link to a any product my Facebook Pixel Helper does not show my facebook pixel what should i do? please help what did go wrong ??
  18. hay moshe

    cpa networks that pay per lead and sale on their products

    is anyone has worked with that kind of networks that the advertiser has his own lp and him email marketing him to his cpa and the main work i need to do is bring in leads? im in affiliaxe and so are you in you one network like this please tell me
  19. hay moshe

    the email platfrom are blocking me and im not even close to spam

    hey i have my own lp that offer free ebook and automation of 5 emails it a list of freelancers i manage to get 100 subscribes to it ! but i used until ago with mail chimp they great but they told me i violate their rules so i read their rules and i know im not spamming the visitors want me...
  20. hay moshe

    solid and reliable ppv network and lead generation for my list

    what is the best reliable ppv network with the minimum deposit 2. where i can find network/ people who will bring me leads for my email marketing campaign with my landing pages