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  1. kate.dispply

    Ask Me Anything Generating conversions from Mobile Traffic

    @James Griffiths , ping me please
  2. kate.dispply

    Facebook bans 24/7

    Totally agree with @Dr.Forum, never break rules for FB, they always punish for it. Always use another IP address, different credit cards and so on. And ones more: NEVER TRY TO CHEAT.
  3. kate.dispply

    New to The Dojo

    Hi Richard, nice to meet you! Tell us bit more about you, your experience etc Please feel free to ask any question. And if you're searching for trustful CPI network, just ping me!
  4. kate.dispply

    Hi, i am new.

    Hi! Hope this place will become your AM home, where you're always welcome. We are here to help you increase your knowledge and wisdom. Tell us bit more about you, your experience etc Please feel free to ask any question. And if you're searching for trustful CPI network, just ping me!
  5. kate.dispply

    Hi Forum

    Hello, you're definitely right. Mobile is current top right now. What offers are you interested?
  6. kate.dispply

    More than 100% CTR in Voluum?

    This may be click caching (spam clicks)?
  7. kate.dispply

    hello i am Amina

    First of all, don't worry. Calm down and read all instructions made for newbies. There are lots of tons of information to learn and analyze.
  8. kate.dispply

    Enginner's plan, budget, tools and networks to start Internet Marketing

    You may always ping me for help then. If there's anything you'd like to know from network point of view, just let me know. As Dispply we have a lot of mobile offers (actually only them) mostly gaming and some utilities. So you're always welcome to join your story of success with us :)
  9. kate.dispply

    hello i am Amina

    sure, let me know how may I help you.
  10. kate.dispply

    Enginner's plan, budget, tools and networks to start Internet Marketing

    Hi @Chaos_ , nice to see you. So do you want to run paid traffic or sell traffic from your apps?
  11. kate.dispply

    All ads shows active but no views on FB

    Too low rate?
  12. kate.dispply

    All ads shows active but no views on FB

    So wide audience?
  13. kate.dispply

    Hi all!

    Welcome @siacolt, Привет из России! Ping me if you need special help on CPI offers and welcome!
  14. kate.dispply

    Newbie. Trying to crack mobile.

    Ah, that is definitely up to you! I'd suggest to start with quite high CPM tp get your audience and whitelist
  15. kate.dispply

    Introducing Myself

    Have you scanned this forum? What's your topic of interest?
  16. kate.dispply

    hello i am Amina

    Hi Amina, have you already thought about where to start with? Any preferable niche? Ping me if you're interested in mobile CPI. we have plenty offers for beginners and personal help to start your very first campaigns.