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  1. andreww


    Hiya CPA Fix members, my name is Andrew Wee and I'm an affiliate consultant with Neverblue, responsible for recruiting and developing affiliates. Our strongest verticals are in the following areas: 1 Dating 2 Downloads 3 Financial 4 Freebies 5 Gaming 6 Coupons 7 PIN Submit/SMS 8 Travel 9...
  2. andreww


    The bankruptcy is being filed by Neverblue's parent company, V2V holdings. Neverblue and Neverblue Email (formerly AKMG) continue to be profitable and affiliates continue to receive their payments on time.
  3. andreww


    Neverblue Join Now Neverblue Facebook Neverblue Twitter Vote for Neverblue now, on the CPA Network List
  4. andreww

    How much time to spend on social networking?

    One way to think about social networking is to avoid thinking of it as some way to trick or game traffic to your site. Conversion into affiliate sales totally depends on how well the traffic is suited to your site profile or your offers. If you get 100,000 high school kids to your payday loans...
  5. andreww

    ?? Blog directories & reciprocal links...

    Are you using tools like SEOQuake or SEO for Firefox to look at the analytics of these directories? If they're high authority ones like BlogExplosion, SEOMoz, Technorati, they're definitely worth submitting too. (although these don't require a reciprocal link). the directories which require...
  6. andreww

    Get Traffic 2 Your Blog - 7 Ways

    As buzzerhut mentioned, the "easiest" or "best" way to get traffic to your blog is to generate quality content. Here's a couple of definitions of "quality": 1) It provides an answer to a problem (especially a painful, longterm or chronic problem). 2) It entertains. It doesn't have to be...
  7. andreww

    Google PageRank drops for many sites

    Much Ado about Nothing IMO. Most of the traffic to John Chow, Darren Rowse, Brian Clark, Shoemoney, et al is all type in traffic anyway... If you have 1,000+ backlinks coming in, people will come in via a referral or word of mouth marketing... - The rise or fall of PageRank doesn't keep me...
  8. andreww

    Google PageRank drops for many sites

    Hi Linda, Thanks for the welcome back. I have Larry to thank for alerting me to this thread. I've been working on a PPC coaching program with PPC super affiliate Amit Mehta, so that's kinda kept me busy.. - Ok, my pet peeve is seeing forum threads go off-topic, so here's a little more on link...
  9. andreww

    Google PageRank drops for many sites

    Tks for the heads-up, Larry. I wasn't aware of this and checked my sites. My blog is still PR5 and all my other sites are PR4 (some of them might've been PR3 before...) I haven't been involved in buying text links, simply because building free, quality links isn't an issue. In my...
  10. andreww

    When is a good time for Affiliates to get ready for Christmas?

    Depends on yr traffic gen model. If you're using a high PR, fast indexed blog, you can launch campaigns immediately (ie you could theoretically launch the campaign during late nov/early dec shopping season). Same if you're using social networking tactics or PPC (though you might like ot give...
  11. andreww

    AMAZING FREE Video Training - Affiliate Summit Videos are Now Free

    Great resource, esp for new affiliate marketers. I'd strongly recommend 1) Wil Reynold's SEO Critiques 2) the Super Aff Session with Vinny, Ros Gardner, Jeremy Palmer 3) Kris Jones PPC Arb session 4) Amit Mehta's PPC Super Aff I look forward to checking out Sam Harrelson's one too and the...
  12. andreww

    Merchants slamming affiliates with badly run in-house program?

    Hi Julia, Thanks. The guys didn't seem bothered (or didn't care) about the discrepancy. They almost seemed to be saying "You can choose to promote our program, or not. We don't care". The part I didn't mention in the blog is that the CEO has a blog up, and has said if we have any...
  13. andreww

    Merchants slamming affiliates with badly run in-house program?

    Hi Linda, Thanks for the heads-up. I went in there and fixed the URL to 5Star and also had a link to this thread.
  14. andreww

    Merchants slamming affiliates with badly run in-house program?

    Hi Linda, Julia, Ayush, thanks for weighing in with your comments, I've posted a followup over at: What Happens When Merchants Don?€™t Play By Affiliate Marketing Rules Part 2 at Andrew Wee | Blogging | Affiliate Marketing | Social Traffic Generation | Internet Marketing
  15. andreww

    Merchants slamming affiliates with badly run in-house program?

    Hi Julia, No worries, i'll be doing a roundup over the next day or so. You're good!
  16. andreww

    good books for motivation?

    For biz, I like Guy Kawasaki's Building the Dream, and his other book, "Rules for Revolutionaries". It brings your mind to a different playing field and head and shoulders above your competitors. For personal montivation, Tim Ferriss' 4 hour workweek is pretty motivational. But the most...
  17. andreww

    Only $200 Dollars To Start

    "$200 to start marketing a product" Hi, It's not really clear if you own the product, or you're affiliate marketing. In terms of budget, I'd probably shoot for $500-1000 to have some buffer, else things will be pretty tight. If you're completely new to IM, you'll inevitably fall a few times...
  18. andreww

    ShoeMoney Sells out - Makes Bank!

    Kudos to Jeremy and Dillsmack on getting Auction Ads up and running and now doing the deal. I know at that time they were working long and hard at it, esp around the time of ASW. It'd be interesting to see what the acquisition price was... And going by the tech crunch report, it'd seem...
  19. andreww

    Very Simple Link Cloaking Technique

    nah...I'm a harmless guy.
  20. andreww

    Using Video to Boost Sales

    and the one listed on copeac and.... else you can do up your own landing page... Happy Hunting!... or should that be... D'oh!