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  1. Tim King

    What you listening to right now?

    Loving this relaxing playlist for sunny days like today...chilled Fridays at my desk:
  2. Tim King

    The FOOTBALL(soccer) Thread!

    I'm hoping he stays for a while, this is going to take some recovery to turn that team around. It's amazing how lifeless they all look on the pitch.
  3. Tim King

    The FOOTBALL(soccer) Thread!

    Still a better evening than utd fans :D
  4. Tim King

    The FOOTBALL(soccer) Thread!

    This season is great, really expected Leicester to fade away by now but they're not showing any signs of it. Check out Vardy's goal from last night if you've not seen it, superb. Being a Spurs fan I'm hoping we can keep our form up as well and it'll be a nice close finish to the season...
  5. Tim King

    Weekend plans?

    Mainly work, hopefully with a date thrown into the mix too if she's free.
  6. Tim King

    Can Microsoft Compete With Apple In Devices?

    The only device that they'll aim to compete on is the tablet/laptop area, I don't think they are or will aim to do any smaller large volume consumer devices again under the leadership of Nadella. He's brought them on leaps and bounds recently and their biggest area is going to be cloud where...
  7. Tim King

    What was the last thing you ate?

    Chicken drum sticks. Too many of them.
  8. Tim King

    What you listening to right now?

    My favourite late night tunes to work to are from the Glitch Mob, especially this piece: