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  1. iamthecoolnerd

    How To Run Skin Offers on Instagram

    Nice! I'd definitely like to get that landing page code from you.
  2. iamthecoolnerd

    Getting Paid From Other People's Videos to generate a decent amount of traffic. Let me know if you have more (whatever niche) videos I can advertise on as well. Thanks, Your name ********************************************************************** Hey, what's up! I was browsing YouTube for (whatever niche) videos and I...
  3. iamthecoolnerd

    FREE (mobile) landing page builder

    Niiiiiiiiiiiiice. Thanks for sharing!
  4. iamthecoolnerd

    YouTube Trick for CPA Marketing.

    I "grease the wheels" of profit splitting by showing the video owner they could stand to make more than by me paying them a flat rate. Let them see some numbers and do a little math on their own. It doesn't always work; but with higher paying offers, they'll usually at least give it some thought.
  5. iamthecoolnerd

    YouTube Trick for CPA Marketing.

    I've done pretty well with this strategy over the last couple of years. With some people, I've offered to split the profits with them in lieu of paying them a flat rate per month. Glad to see I'm not the only one that still does this. Keep up the good work, dude.
  6. iamthecoolnerd

    7Search and CPA Offer that makes ROI ==> 1199%

    Great post. I was looking for more ideas on campaigns to run on 7Search.
  7. iamthecoolnerd

    Traffic 2014: Get Google Love! Google Marketing With Content the Right Way

    Thanks for this report. Automation is definitely something I need to get better at managing.
  8. iamthecoolnerd

    How to make money from FREE stuff.

    I just started a site with this method. I'll make a case study out of the results once I get some traffic flowing.
  9. iamthecoolnerd

    Using Music on YouTube for free traffic.

    I used a new account. I'll give it a shot without the link and see what happens.
  10. iamthecoolnerd

    Using Music on YouTube for free traffic.

    I made 3 videos and all of them were blocked. Any work arounds for this?
  11. iamthecoolnerd

    The big list of Video Marketing sites.

    YES! Definitely needed this list. I noticed Vimeo isn't included. Should I skip using that site?
  12. iamthecoolnerd

    Video Marketing and Content Locking ideas.

    Sports highlights are usually copyrighted by the league (NFL, NBA, NHL, etc.) aren't they? Are there certain steps to stay under their radar or do they typically not bother you?
  13. iamthecoolnerd

    Make Money Promoting Digital Products With SEO

    What's the minimum number of monthly searches you want to see in order to move forward with a keyword?
  14. iamthecoolnerd

    How to find and buy Facebook Pages.

    I've used a similar method to this buying YouTube channels. I would offer a split of the commissions in some cases. Would that be a viable option here? Or should I stick to buying the page outright?
  15. iamthecoolnerd

    How to Bank with Torrents.

    This is really cool. I've already got some ideas for content to use. I'm gonna have to get up to speed on using proxies before I get started though.