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  1. Mr. Plan B

    Network Wanted best cpa network for target india

    depending on your traffic source there are quite a few good networks in India.. Try VCommision... or easy to convert Flipkart Affiliates, Amazon Associates.
  2. Mr. Plan B

    Begginer Here..

    @G6App Welcome to AffiliateFix!
  3. Mr. Plan B

    Review About hostlyt

    @essaid Thanks for bringing this to our notice.
  4. Mr. Plan B


    Hi there, First of all, from next time please try and use a readable text color. Coming to your post, This can occur if you have used the same email or phone number for confirmation too many times. Try using a different number or email, you will be fine.
  5. Mr. Plan B

    Is it worth investing in CryptoCurrency?

    Just wondering, do you have any affiliation with Stablecoin?
  6. Mr. Plan B

    Email Marketing for Affiliate Offers

    Check out Mailrelay, Affiliate links friendly. I have personally used them in the past. Good ESP to start with.
  7. Mr. Plan B

    spam assassin score 5.5 mail lands in spam Gmail

    If your SMTP IP pool is not fresh, the domain you use is relatively new and is not a mainstream TLD, Regardless of how many links or images you use, your email will end up in Spam with Gmail. BTW "Discount" is a risky keyword in the email body.
  8. Mr. Plan B

    Is it worth investing in CryptoCurrency?

    Investing.. No! Trading .. maybe. I have been accepting Bitcoin for my services since past 6 years, if i had known that BTC is going to be this BIG back then.. i could be a millionaire. But i am glad at least i did not lose any money. As far as investments go, there are plenty of stable...
  9. Mr. Plan B

    How to make ANY money with an email list of 150 people 39% open rate?

    I dont think anyone on this forum or anywhere else can give you a definitive answer. If what you read was true i would be making millions a month. Just select your niche, grow your list and keep sending out informational emails related to the niche, and keep the engagement and open rates high...
  10. Mr. Plan B

    Platform for email list size?

    @ScottyK try zerobounce
  11. Mr. Plan B

    Registering a new domain for a cold email campaign

    This could definitely work well if you are using your own server. Just see to it that you use a separate pool of IP's for the cold email campaign if you are using a bought or bartered list. Give enough time for the IP's to cool off before sending out batches, you can gradually increase the volume.
  12. Mr. Plan B

    Which Email Service Provider for sending affiliate offers? (50k daily)

    If you want to try out a free service, try mailrelay i hope they still have their 15000 subs and 75000 free sends a month to try out their service. i have personally used them in the past. easy good interface for beginners. OK delivery rate. I believe for their paid account, the service would be...
  13. Mr. Plan B

    Which Email Service Provider for sending affiliate offers? (50k daily)

    If i were you.. i would setup my own SMTP server with an IP pool. And send out volumes of email systematically to cool off the IPs
  14. Mr. Plan B

    Lead gen or Sales offers needed for Offshore call rooms

    Any networks here who have offers or campaigns that can be promoted by offshore outbound call centers/Call rooms?
  15. Mr. Plan B

    Cutting Edge Affiliate Marketing – The HOQU Platform! matching the website domain or parent company domain. Appropriate "Disclosure Pages" on the website. "Published Phone Number" on site. * "Published Physical Address" on site. * You must be a staff representative or the owner of the business. * Required for those who want the Certified...
  16. Mr. Plan B

    alternative business lending matching the website domain or parent company domain. Appropriate "Disclosure Pages" on the website. "Published Phone Number" on site. * "Published Physical Address" on site. * You must be a staff representative or the owner of the business. * Required for those who want the Certified...
  17. Mr. Plan B

    Offer Wanted 0 Click-Magic Flow Offers

    We are already working together. We talked yesterday Daria :)
  18. Mr. Plan B

    Offer Wanted 0 Click-Magic Flow Offers

    Thanks @Graybeard will check with them.
  19. Mr. Plan B

    Offer Wanted 0 Click-Magic Flow Offers

    Looking for 0 Click / Magic Flow offers for Mobile Mainstream Traffic.
  20. Mr. Plan B

    Hello From India

    @TheExplorer Welcome to AffiliateFix!