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  1. S

    GeoTagging for SEO

    Try this one, Is Google influenced by Meta Geo Tags? | Proven SEO GEO Meta Tags & GEO Optimization We've tried Geotargeting on Google and it really effects our website in terms of serps on UK and traffic coming from it.
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    Link building myth

    It's an interesting info, where did you find it?... Thanks for sharing...
  3. S

    2 dofollow social bookarmking sites

    There's a lot of this on VMOptions, thanks for sharing anyways :)
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    How important is Page Ranking

    Google made it just to rank your site if it's trusted or not. It doesn't really matter to ordinary people who just loves to browse.
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    I am confused! How website without backlinks is in Google 1st Page?

    Be sure to make quality backlinks which is prefered by most search engines, you gain backlinks by using linking to other sites by this way you will want to use your keywords as your anchor text which will also help you increse your rankings in SERP but that doesn't necessarily mean SERPs will...
  6. S

    Google Webmaster Tools API Bugs

    About a year ago, Google introduced the new Google Webmaster Tools API. This API allow developers to communicate with Google Webmaster Tools (GWT), without actually accessing the front end, so they can code reports, verify sites and so on, without touching the actual GWT interface. More info...
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    PPC Vs SEO

    Nice... Thanks, I also agree with this that PPC takes less time but it pays more by just posting your site on every search, and the fact that you need to have good conversions on every click that youmade.
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    In search engine optimization sitemap is important

    sitemaps helps the site for easy crawlability of bots, it also helps visitors navigate easily to any page they want...
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    UK Directories

    Try this list of free UK directory list... Maybe we should tryto put some more free directories in this trhead...
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    Page Title Length

    I thought so too, this was used in most seo tools...
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    Use Article Directories to Promote Your Website

    lol, this is a duplicate, copy then paste. you could at least say thanks to the real author by including the link from where you get it...
  12. S

    Link Building Techniques

    This basic techniques are really good, but are there any new in SEO?...
  13. S

    Reasons for Decreasing Google Page Rank:

    Doorway pages are easy to identify in that they have been designed primarily for search engines, not for human beings. This page explains how these pages are delivered technically, and some of the problems they pose. What Are Doorway Pages? - Search Engine Watch (SEW) Used by a lot of Black...
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    Duplicating Content to Avoid Duplicate Content

    I have read about that, and hey! I just found tool that lets me chack if the content is a duplicate content. The Plagiarism Checker
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    Top 5 White Hat SEO Techniques

    Oh I just read this one on Sitepoint, nice article sir... Hmm, reminds me of the issue of putting on the links from where you got this article... :)
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    comment on blog

    Would you rather specify them sir?... i think we need to know some of the strategies in grabbing the attentions of readers and bloggers as well... :huh:
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    URL Optimization for Search Engine Ranking

    Thanks, mod rewrite coul handle it... :) I also prefer using the #4 step that you have listed, using your keyword as an anchor text will really help your site especially on SERPs...
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    Link Building Techniques

    I guess Link Exchange to relevant and top blogs could be included too?... They bring traffic, backlinks and another set of traffic... :)
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    RSS feed

    By using RSS, your visitors can be updated anytime theres a change/new content in your blog. With it, you can sustain a good number of visitors going to your blog...
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    20 Search Engine Optimization Tips

    Nice tips, this would be very handy for people who are new to SEO... :)