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  1. schleprock

    demographics of game players vs Push notice receivers on network

    I'm sure you can tell that I am trying to figure out how to target the right users. For instance, this says that 62 percent of Android users use it for "play" (old information, 2011) because my offer is an email submit it...
  2. schleprock

    demographics of game players vs Push notice receivers on network

    How do i figure out the demographics of who receives Push notices in a particular Geo. I am interested in Malaysia but will want to know for other areas too. This is from Statista: especially loved amongst the younger generations as 62.7 percent of Fortnite players are aged between 18 and 24...
  3. schleprock


    Malaysia is bilingual for the most part. So they speak English. For Push notifications for a FortNite offer do I need 2 versions of the Push. One in English and one in the local language. Or is it safe to assume if they have a cell phone to receive a Push, they likely speak English. What site...
  4. schleprock

    malaysian taffic Pop or Push from Propellar Ads pricing

    First: Thanks for answering. it can be very difficult to get answers, between the time zone differences and everything else, quick responses are hard to get I will go to EZMob now and look at it. Also, I think I will go with Push. That way I can skip the Pre-lander. This will be my first...
  5. schleprock

    malaysian taffic Pop or Push from Propellar Ads pricing

    I am looking at an offer in Malaysia. So I went to Propellar Ads and I think their traffic chart is saying Pop under traffic has a max rate of 2.971 and an optimal rate of 1.262. So that means it will be between $2.98 and $1.27 per thousand views, correct? The Push traffic has a max cpm rate...
  6. schleprock

    Offer questions (especially about the URL)

    This is the URL Mobidea gave me to use for my lander. It is a game I would like to promote in Italy.|21529?data1=Track1&data2=Track2&tag={External_ID_from_traffic_source}&website={subID}&placement={sub_subID} I selected it because its lander looked good...
  7. schleprock

    MaxBounty and spam galore

    I signed up at MaxBounty yesterday, maybe the day before. They haven't even talked to me yet about joining the network. I had 39 offers sent to the MB email address I used.
  8. schleprock

    Is Peerfly closed or not.

    I just logged in and they have offers? are they closed, open, what?
  9. schleprock

    Clickdealer questions?

    Great answer, thank you. What is a newbie friendly network, preferable somewhere close to my timezone. Pacific Standard Time. This way I can chat with them if I have questions (and I have questions). I try with Mobidea but they are in Lisbon time, so they are 8 hours ahead of me and finding...
  10. schleprock

    mobile Game offer question

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  11. schleprock

    Official ClickDealer

    I used that link and Audri gave me a list of questions to answer but she hasn't gotten back to me yet. I answered on Skype last Thursday. I also responded to her email, but only to tell her I responed on Skype as requested.
  12. schleprock

    some questions I asked my traffic source salesman

    The MGID guy just said it was some bad widget placements and standard blacklisting was needed. I asked him if that is something I needed to do or if he already did it. I did not see how to do it from my dashboard but. I am new, so it may well be there and I am just not smart enough to know it...
  13. schleprock

    some questions I asked my traffic source salesman

    I was hoping you guys could tell me about this too. Here are the questions I asked on Skype: I blocked my campaign because I had 233 clicks and the Google Analytics says that the average person stayed on the page 00:00:15 seconds. My page loads in just under 1 second, so they could not have even...
  14. schleprock

    Account manager at Mobidea?

    next question for AwesomeSauce: I am reading this: Setup Amazon S3 + CloudFront to Host CPA Affiliate Landing Pages That Are Lightning Fast - Nick Lenihan What sort of domain name do I need? for instance I have a blog on alcohol abuse called Do I need a KW related domain...
  15. schleprock

    Account manager at Mobidea?

    Would you use a lander on this? (if so, what would it say) It pays 0.20 cents and is only good in tje Philippines and Turkey. It also has a cap of 100 submits a day, so 20 bucks a day is the max amount I could earn. Yet: I must get started somewhere, or I will never learn how to do mobile CPA...
  16. schleprock

    Clickdealer questions?

    Here are a list of questions Clickdealer wants: a. What are your main traffic sources? b. What other CPA networks do you work with? c. How long have u been in CPA marketing? d. Do you work within a company or self-employed? e. Could you send me a screenshot of your monthly earning history...
  17. schleprock

    Official ClickDealer

    Hi, someone with my name has an account on Clickdealer. I thought maybe it was actually me and I just forgot about it or something. So I put both of the emails I would use for affiliate marketing (emails I monitor all the time) and it said no user existed. I want to sign up because that is what...
  18. schleprock

    Account manager at Mobidea?

    ...landing page will be translated already and probably decent at converting if I pick some middle of the road EPC offer. Where do I start? I keep f*ing around and nothing is happening. ......... Update: If you go through a couple of screens on mobidea's chat function it will get you to a...
  19. schleprock

    Native Ads from mobile ad networks? how do they work?

    I am sure we have all seen the Outbrain/Taboola ads at the bottom of content on our desktops but how does this work on mobile. Native ads through my network cost about 0.60 cents (which is more than my CPA offer will allow me to spend) but Propellar Ads says they have bids starting at 0.005...
  20. schleprock

    no traffic from Adshop?

    I am getting no traffic from Adshop.Infolinks. I upped by bid from the recommended 0.14 for US customers to 0.35 cents. No clicks. I just added a a few very generic KWs for my nich and put the bid at 0.21, so 3x the recommended amount to see if that shakes some visitors loose for me. But they...