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  1. V

    As the Bing assault hots up, what about Operation Chrome OS?

    In this week's edition of the Economist they ran a cartoon with an outraged Yahoo! sitting atop the shoulders of a belligerent Bing, both cudgel-bearing and incensed, standing on the palm of a club-wielding Neanderthal-like titan Microsoft, shouting, "We think it is wrong to have a market...
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    Google's malware notices out of control?

    About a month ago, the office PC was hacked and all clients' Control Panel and FTP details were taken by the Chinese (the iFrames all had .cn). It took a week to clear and everything was fine, with password security severely tightened. Except today another client informed me that he has had the...
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    Businesses finding new customers on Twitter. Are you?

    Search Engine Land writes "...There are countless stories in circulation about how businesses are using Twitter to find customers and serve existing ones. Some businesses have figured out how to use Twitter Search and other similar tools to hear what customers are saying and make connections...
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    BBC sees end of fortress journalism, with Web 2.0 eroding its space

    The internet, it seems, has many in the mainstream media worried. Our job as SEMs used to be about discovering sites that would allow us a link, together with registering sites with a vast directory base. This is the case no more. We now have to be journalists of a sort, providing quality copy...
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    Like banks, should Google, master to the gates of our online world, be regulated?

    TechCrunch recently published an article "The Time Has Come To Regulate Search Engine Marketing And SEO)". The essence of the article is that Google (and now Bing, of course, naturally) is the opaque "governor" of our online business world and should be regulated, with its "Chinese walls" rent...
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    How will business be educated in tactical link building?

    According to an article by TopRank Blog (Strategic Link Building for SEO (Search Engine Optimization) | Online Marketing Blog "Not many in the Search Engine Optimization game would argue that link building isn't tactical. The problem is, approaching link building as an end goal and tactically...
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    Proof of backlinks from PPC in organic search?

    According to Search Engine Watch, PPC ads are appearing in organic search. See Are PPC Ads Now Counting in Google Organic Backlinks? - Search Engine Watch (SEW) This would make sense from a revenue point of view but its integrity would be badly compromised if this practice is widespread.
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    The Big Bing?

    An interesting conversation took place on Twitter between Matt Cutts and Betsy of the Bing account. See Google's Matt Cutts Has Some Words with Bing | WebProNews I can only see the Beta version from Thailand, so no comment. Still, we're at #1 rather than #2 for our main search term, so I'm...
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    Google to index Twitter?

    Certain articles are speculating that Google will soon announce a deal allowing it to index Twitter and display results on a separate page, like it does for News. Twitter may therefore get a lot less pointless as times progresses if this happens. Any thoughts on the SEO aspects of this...
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    What's with Google maps appearing at the top of organic search?

    Now you'll need to bear in mind that I'm operating out of Thailand where search can often get screwed, but over the past week or so results for all of my main keywords and that of my partner's real estate company return a Google map. For "property bangkok" (taking my own results out of the...
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    Vince, just hype?

    I've been reading articles on Vince, which say it's time to reconsider a lot of what we do. Apparently, the recent Google "update" rewards big brands with better rankings for competitive keywords and that we all need to think about the future of SEO. One article went on to say that although...
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    Links wiped from Google

    After just four days following a new website launch it got to #1. Its five associated sites naturally had links to it. I assume that is the reason why it got there so quickly. Now, after a month, Google has seen fit to totally wipe these links out. What gives?
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    Ten questions on expert SEO techniques

    - When searching for relevant blogs to make comments in, people sometimes use "[search term] leave a comment" to find them. What other methods are there to find these blogs? - Posting stories to article directories about the global economy has a far greater reach than SEO, some giving me PR4+...
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    How to check if a link's been indexed

    Does anyone know the command to find out if an inbound link has been indexed by Google? Going through hundreds of pages to search for it doesn't strike me as that smart if there's a short-cut. The reason I ask is that I need a quick way to prove sites submitted actually are being indexed and how...
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    Search results different on three browsers - why?

    Tonight I took a look at who was at the top of the rankings for "web design bangkok". To my surprise, the results differed on three browsers: Firefox, Google Chrome and IE. I have never seen this before. Has anyone got any idea why? It's late but it's a mystery to me at the moment.
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    The end of search engine marketing?

    I want to go back to the turn of the millennium, not for nostalgia's sake but because it all seemed so easy then, at a time when I was first introduced to website structuring and marketing. It seems now that those days were so easy once you had the keys to unlock the mysteries of how search...
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    Google, continual indexing and link buying techniques

    I have been asked by a client to go to LinkAdage and buy him in some juicy PR7s from property-related websites. I hesitated at the thought as I know that Google has been looking into this for some time now. The other aspect is that these "broker" sites is they never allow you to see what...
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    Are AOL and Yahoo rabid extortionists or just plain stupid?

    Today I met a client for lunch. He runs a ticketing agency in Vienna and complained about confirmation emails not getting through to customers with an AOL or Yahoo email account. In an article he recently stumbled upon, it refers to: "AOL and Yahoo are planning to begin charging what amounts...
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    Search Engine Optimization Techniques: Article Writing

    My introduction to search engine optimization started in London a few years back and, after experimenting with Web Position Gold, I honed these skills to attain very good results in promoting clients? websites. Later, I discovered that link building was a necessary but highly tedious monthly...
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    SEO paradigm for 2006?

    It is now two months since we started to regroup our efforts in contemporary SEO strategies. A real estate start-up was taken as the guinea pig for the exploration of our new SEO techniques - and with staggering early results. As one can imagine, a huge uplift in the site hits of a property...