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  1. S

    Making profit flipping websites?

    I sold a few Wordpress Blogs for about $400 a piece and they only had 4 posts. They were generating $16 a month with Adsence and Amazon. The most important thing that people are looking for is revenue. If the site is making $15 or more a month it should sell anywhere from $200 to $400. Some...
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    General tips for optimization

    Keep building content and backlinks. With more content people will reach your site with long tailed keywords even if you’re not ranked high in Google and of course backlinks; Quality backlinks are the King of offline optimization. Especially if you are trying to rank in a very competitive market.
  3. S

    How to increase article submission efficiency? What practices do you use?

    I actually have had great results using an article spinner. You just have to get a good one. Magic article spinner is a great one to use. It has a huge database of different words and phrases and they build because people ad new words to the database every day.
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    How many backlinks per day?

    If your site is highly SEO optimized you can get on the 1rst or 2nd page of Google with just a few backlinks but for the long haul it is best to keep building them. Slowly building them (5 links) every day is best. But if your site is not seen on the first 1000 pages of Google it would not hurt...
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    Question about serps

    A good indicator also is if some of the sites on the first page have some blogs or videos. And see how many of them have the actual domain names as the keyword string you are choosing. If not then try to get a domain name that is exact to your keyword phrase. Is that 50 grand for “exact...
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    Best ways to optimize for a competitive keyword.

    I beg to disagree minstrel. With A fast loading theme that loads the page quicker and that is unique. Like not having what everyone has like a blogs default Wordpress links and default Wordpress structures (such as adding your own footer that has links to your home, privacy policy, about us...
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    Best ways to optimize for a competitive keyword.

    I forgot one more thing that is very powerful Try to ad content that is relative to your keyword in some way that is breaking news on the internet or tv.
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    Best ways to optimize for a competitive keyword.

    Make your site unique. (Such as a good fast loading SEO theme that no one else has) Add outbound links relative to your main keyword Add video to your web pages Add more content that is keyword rich There are so many things you can do to inch your way up but don’t do them all at once...
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    Help Me, I'm Optimizing For A Keyword

    You really should focus on a different niche unless you are going to do a pay per click campaign and did keyword research for a sub phrase for the product instead of the phrase "Make Money Online". Even then it may be difficult. Trust me. I learned that the hard The only other...
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    Ebooks Won't Give you the SECRET - Keep your wallet in your pocket

    I am learning this the hard way and you are so rite Linda Bequet. I would like to say that there are some good courses out there but they are like finding a needle in a haystack! I just purchased a course from clickbank called “Copy The Blueprint". It was the worst scam course on affiliate...
  11. S

    Is Affiliate Marketing Dead?

    We can always use organic rankings though. Just make sure to cloak your ads, banners and links or you may get Google slapped.
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    Response to scammers

    The facts are; my friend victorm, is that we don’t know the facts
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    Response to scammers

    Victorm, Blackmail? What are you talking about?... Blackmail is threatening someone to get THERE money. Not threatening someone to get Your OWN money back that was guaranteed to be returned if not satisfied! So I guess you think stating to a company that is a scammer that you will notify...
  14. S

    Is Affiliate Marketing Dead?

    If they did that the economy would collapse and they would have no customers to charge because everybody would be worried about buying food rather than getting online. Just think of the percent of money transaction that would suddenly cease to exist if that happened. Too many companies rely on...
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    Response to scammers

    It may not get your money back but notify them you are a webmaster and will create a website dedicated to inform others that there product and services are a scam and follow through and actually do it if they don’t refund your purchase. I have done this myself in the past and helped many others...
  16. S

    Is Affiliate Marketing Dead?

    As long as there are products to sell there will always be huge amounts of money to be made by affiliates marketing on the internet. Even Google is really just an affiliate in a way. They are just a middle man. Affiliate Marketers are half of Googles (and any other search engines) bread and...
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    Can An Ethical Affiliate Make It?

    You could also promote non digital product from sites such as Amazon. The commissions are small but if you can get targeted customers to buy High ticket items like TV's and digital camcorders I think you can do very well. There are some legitimate products on Clickbank. Like virus software and...
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    I am so going to quit my day job...

    All the luck to you, it sounds like you have the spirit and are going to do awesome. Dont forget to post back here and let us know when you make your first sale!
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    Should it be Blog Commenting Or Forum Signatures?

    I like both, There is also a thing called multi user blogs. There half blog and half forum and rank well in google because of the quickly added content. Just post a few Multi User blogs pointing to the blog or site you want to links to.
  20. S

    Is Affiliate Marketing Dead?

    Actually if your site is not a fully loaded site with tons of articles and text you will be ranked very low if you have affiliate links on your blog or site. It has happened to me recently. There is a way to get around it though; you have to cloak your links. The way to do this is by having a...