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  • Users: Graybeard
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  1. Graybeard

    Would you vote for AI Steve?

    In the UK AI Steve is actually running for office in a MP election. There are interesting guarantees proposed via a 500 person vetting of any law AI Steve would propose. This is not a joke however the office itself will be held by AI Steve's 'mentor' Could this actually enable better...
  2. Graybeard

    Google likes glue on pizza?

    Suggesting you put glue on pizza and offering AI search answers for the query: "How many rocks should I eat" >>>`` These updates include: Better detection mechanisms for nonsensical queries Limiting the inclusion of satire and humor content Updating systems to limit the use of potentially...
  3. Graybeard

    Prompt engineering techniques This for Claude I use Claude Opus 3 in addition to Chat GPT 4o (paid versions) now. Technical analysis
  4. Graybeard

    Traffic Impact Of AI Overviews

    AIO's (Artificial Intelligence Overviews) Are at this preliminary point a mixed bag for SEO'rs read more here and discuss The Traffic Impact Of AI Overviews
  5. Graybeard

    My *children* are leaving home soon!

    This mama Robin decided to build a nest on my porch rail --looked safe I guess ... Looks like they need bigger accommodations :D This is a first 30 years in this house now ...
  6. Graybeard

    How I cleaned out 30K messages in my Gmail account

    I have a primary Gmail account that is maybe 15 years old I haven't been able to easily prune it for years --stupid web interface. Google's logic must be to profile me by my email LOL @gmail is mostly signups on my phone now and newsletters & junk mail i very seldom read 30K messages in my...
  7. Graybeard

    Musk and X take a legal hit

    A US 9th District Court ruled that it is legal to scrape data available to the public; in this case Twitter's (X's) content. >>>``U.S. District Judge William Alsup in San Francisco ruled...
  8. Graybeard

    Google slashes SEO again!

    Google: "Heads will roll!" Site Reputation Abuse & SEO Decline: Affiliates Take a Beating in Google SERPs >>>``First-party publishers of coupon codes, on the other hand, have survived the cull and are performing well in the SERPs as a result. Some commentators have already noted that this...
  9. Graybeard

    It sucks to be a chicken farmer ...

    What's interesting in all of this is the decision to pivot --and to see another opportunity in the same basic business. Farms rarely adapt like this and usually go belly up. But it is an expensive decision to make...
  10. Graybeard

    TikTok is back-against-the-wall

    TikTok is a financial loser for ByteDance. So, why are they willing to lose money in the USA? Well, the US Congress passed a bill requiring the divestiture (selling off) of TikTok out of Chinese government control, President Biden has indicated a willingness ti enact this bill into law. So...
  11. Graybeard

    Google Says Links Are Not Important

    I keep tellin' ya --links are mostly "Urban Legend" by today's standards. >>>``... Google’s Gary Illyes confirmed at a recent search marketing conference that Google needs very few links, adding to the growing body of...
  12. Graybeard

    WAT? Make it readable.

    Into ``content`` development and matching search query relevancy? AI bots develop their ``text language skills`` from the data input by developers and then users. I say readable and AI ``thinks`` how do most humans speak?
  13. Graybeard

    Perfect AI Blended Coffee

    An example of perfecting a consumer product with AI --the possibilities are endless.
  14. Graybeard

    Bitcoin in Historic Fee Increase

    Bitcoin has always been a money grab ... ``Following the Bitcoin halving event, onchain fees climbed to over $240 per transaction just an hour later, and as of now, a high-priority transfer costs between $52 and $78 per transaction at 10:30 a.m. Eastern Time on Saturday. ``...
  15. Graybeard

    Ask Me Anything AI Traffic Analysis

    this is my traffic data ***Worthy to note here; this is redirected image click email sourced traffic and not clicked email text link traffic Anthropic Claude Opus 3 `got it` better than ChatGPT4 This cuts to the chase. This process was completed in 2 minutes at most of AI time. Most of my...
  16. Graybeard

    NEW Atlas -- Boston Dynamics

    Atlas reloaded --spooky Terminator prototype. see video (if you haven't already) An Electric New Era for Atlas | Boston Dynamics
  17. Graybeard

    Anthropic Claude Opus3 reads PDF well

    ChatGPT4 just cant handle it ... Claude got it right the pdf is copyright --can't post it but the synopsis is correct C (Citi Bank) is a SELL according to ISS-EVA
  18. Graybeard

    Cooking with ChatGPT4

    So the endocrinologist doctor says my free oxalate is too high ... cont. OK Dr. ChatGPT :D
  19. Graybeard

    Robotaxi passes driver's test :D

    In a publicity stunt in Nevada (US) an auto gets a driver's license: read more
  20. Graybeard

    YouTube AI voice overs by OpenAI check out the audio samples --wow that's very good. Right now this is not available to the public ... Maybe, in months it will be and YouTube and Google may not be able to keep up with reverse engineering the deep...