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  1. D

    What is a good alternative to article marketing?

    Thank you Ryzon. I am working on forum marketing and social marketing Dave
  2. D

    SiteSell / SiteBuildIt

    i read the post on then i went to the site. It seems too good. What other costs are incurred besides the monthly membership fee? do you need your own auto responder? has anyone had experience with it ? dave
  3. D

    What is a good alternative to article marketing?

    I have been writing articles on ezine articles dot com. i have been writing about wrestling training and weight-loss. i have not had much success. i may need to find another niche. also i type very slow. it takes me a very long time to write articles. what are some good traffic sources instead...
  4. D

    Too Good to BE True?

    a lot of people make fantastic claims about their products . Most of these are gross exaggerations. it is very smart to check out the credability of the person making these claims. which in the past i have failed to do. i commend you for researching this product before buying it .
  5. D

    Affiliates Needed to Test New Local Shopping API

    website could a facebook like page work as a website for this? Or do you need to buy a domain name and hosting?
  6. D

    Hi from Mattoon,Illinois

    i have been article marketing about 18 months. I have submitted about 10 articles. I know that is not nearly enough . it takes me several hrs. to write an article. When i was not seeing results i did not keep writing. My niche was wrestling conditioning. I think maybe there are not alot of...
  7. D

    Hi everyone

    Hi jordan. Glad to here from you. The Bulls are having a great year. They got a nice win over Orlando tonight. Dave
  8. D

    Get off the DIME! How to Get Started in Affiliate Marketing

    I do not have all the answers or even all the right questions to ask. But I agree one must take action. Then improve from there. Learn as you go. If you wait to start until after you know everything, you will never start. Thanks for sharing your information with me. Dave
  9. D

    Hi from Mattoon,Illinois

    Hi! I have been article marketing in the wrestling training niche. But have not found it profitable for me. I am looking for a new market. I am currently learning new stategies and techniques of internet marketing. I am eager to both learn and share what I learn. Dave