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  • Users: T.S.
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  1. T.S.

    Welcome to the NEW

    You won't see them in "New Posts" because you have already seen/read them. The "New Posts" link shows you new posts that you have not yet seen.
  2. T.S.

    $25/Lead..... vvat???

  3. T.S.

    Best PPV course

    That is always a risk, even with a course, but the fastest and best way to learn in my opinion. I wasted months and hundred of dollars on junk like PPC Coach when I was new. Now I think all of that time and money would have been better spent running more ads instead.
  4. T.S.

    $25/Lead..... vvat???

    Firstdate DK, NO, SE...
  5. T.S.

    Welcome to the NEW

    I haven't seen it before as a default on XF.....
  6. T.S.

    Best PPV course

    The best PPV course is depositing some money in an ad account, asking your AM for some offers, and running some traffic.
  7. T.S.

    $25/Lead..... vvat???

    Not always as easy as it sounds, but yes.
  8. T.S.

    Welcome to the NEW

    Not a fan of the "See more at" copy/paste hijacking. Not sure if new or not. I believe "ShareThis" does it.
  9. T.S.

    clickbank tracker

    Stop looking for step by step guides to read, start doing, figure it out along the way. :cool: Keyword Variable/Token info... 7Search FAQ System - What is the ###KEYWORD### variable? How can I use it to improve my ad? How to enter it under Traffic Sources in Voluum...
  10. T.S.

    (?) MUNDO Media Creatives Approval

    Send them to your AM.
  11. T.S.

    Welcome to the NEW

    Missing/broken image...
  12. T.S.

    ~100% ROI the past 7 days

  13. T.S.

    clickbank tracker

    Add the Clickbank offers to the Voluum offers page with the URLs like this...{clickid}
  14. T.S.

    Does anyone have experience with MUNDO Media?

    The Mundo tracking URL that you place in Voluum should look like this...{clickid} Then on the pixel tab in Mundo, place your Voluum postback URL like this...
  15. T.S.

    clickbank tracker

    Most should work. I use Voluum.
  16. T.S.

    Profit Kings Media

    PKM has always paid me, even small amounts during inactive periods. They also paid for a great dinner at Craftsteak and bottle service at Affiliate Ball during the last Affiliate Summit West.
  17. T.S.

    Any recommendations on a VPS?

    Another happy LiquidWeb customer here. I use their Storm on Demand VPS service.
  18. T.S.

    no tracking still get the monies?

    Yes, but tracking data can really help with optimization to minimize your losses and/or increase your revenue.