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  1. R

    Another CPA Network going down? CPA Tank

    I agree, I hate to see more networks go down the drain
  2. R

    Another CPA Network going down? CPA Tank

    I dont get why they just dont hire new affiliate managers? Having to completely shut down the network because they want to improve their support for affiliates does not make any sense
  3. R

    Another CPA Network going down? CPA Tank

    Has anyone received this email? personally, I see this as big red flags
  4. R

    urls redirecting to blacklist domains

    I usually tend to avoid these offers. Odds are the end user will get this warning as well and not be able to complete the offer, thus lowering your EPC, CR, etc
  5. R

    What networks do you use?

    Check out how im doing with CPATank with their featured offer lol
  6. R

    Made 100+ in a single day on Peerfly, need help to scale.

    rackspace, any update to how its been going?
  7. R

    ads.pof + Plenty Of Fish Advertising Support.

    ben, how long does it take to get a campaign approved?
  8. R

    Sample Landing Pages/Offers Scraped From LeadImpact

    for these, do you get better conversion having the popup display the CPA offer or Your own landing page that presells to the CPA offer? also, what were you averaging for ROI?
  9. R

    So a video I uploaded 2 years ago is starting to get lots of hits

    good idea! never even thought about doing that
  10. R

    So a video I uploaded 2 years ago is starting to get lots of hits

    Back when I was trying to promote some Russian Dating site, I just grabbed a bunch of random videos off youtube and reuploaded them. I didnt change anything about the video. Just stupid videos of girls teasing the camera with their boobs. Well, in the last two months I have received over...
  11. R

    What networks do you use?

    yes, they have around 1k I believe. All of them you need to apply for to run. But the approval time is fairly quick (within 24 hours). Im not sure if this is a full list: I know im being nitpicky, but their over all site is poorly put together. its kind of a turn...
  12. R

    What networks do you use?

    I really wish I could get back into promoting with CPAlead. But it sucks they wont let you direct link to their offers anymore and people now immediately turn away when they see a content locker. I had unreal conversions back when they had the "Are you Fat?" surverys. I remember the user just...
  13. R

    CPAFix clothing!

    No under shirt ;-)
  14. R

    Be careful with the 7 search sources or you will be scrubbed.

    That also eats up your budget your paying 7search
  15. R

    Whats your Favourite Network and Why?

    How do we have peerfly notify us when a conversion happens?
  16. R

    Selling Is $900 enough to you? Set and forget method

    I can only assume that this involves streaming live events and locking the video stream?
  17. R

    what to do / invest 300$?

    speaking of advertising on reddit, here is a good article that provides some good information about it
  18. R

    My 7 Search Campaign

    looks like you made 200% ROI
  19. R

    Whats your Favourite Network and Why?

    I think I would say peerfly. Mainly because I have had the most success with them as far as conversion rates go. I really enjoy how they are not built off HasOffers or Cake, and utilize their own tracking/reporting system. I think the layout of the publisher dashboard is simple and effective...
  20. R

    Made 100+ in a single day on Peerfly, need help to scale.

    people, peerfly has many tracking domains you can use. Not all of them are flagged/banned by Adwords. Ex.,, You can replace your link with any of those. adwords does not allow thin affiliate sites