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Search results for query: dropshipping

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  1. Marnie

    New Guy

    You have to do both. Write blog posts and repurpose the content to make videos. Besides having the videos on YouTube, you can also post them to your blog and article sites like Medium. You can promote affiliate products at Medium and if you aren't doing this, you should start. If you don't have...
  2. prospernoah

    New Guy

    Thank you. I'm promoting Saas; AI tools, dropshipping, etc. I'm also promoting some on my YouTube channel though it is hard to keep up with recording videos because I'm focusing on the blog.
  3. O

    Building a brand vs getting impulse buys...

    Hi all, I've been re-watching dropshipping videos on youtube recently. One of the youtubers I've been watching, Gabriel St Germain, recommends building a brand around a single product. He recommends building a one-product Shopify store and having a long term game plan. But another mentor of...
  4. ClickDealer

    Official ClickDealer

    What could be better than a dropshipping offer just before Black Friday starts? 5 of them, of course! Across the 49 GEOs covered by each of the offers, it is almost impossible not to find a profitable option. And with Listicles, Native, Search, Social, and YouTube in allowed traffic types...
  5. Honeybadger

    Ask Me Anything How did you start your first affiliate website?

    Whats your most profitable affiliate niche @Albertomax1 ?
  6. Honeybadger

    Seeking Help Drop shipping Guidance

    ...Tutor says just start i would say have a budget find your reliable platform and just start try shopify its free learning thru doing buddy put the theory into action on day one I'm 99% that if you fail IF you fail its cos you gave up too soon not cos it...
  7. ClickDealer

    Official ClickDealer

    It's been a while since we've shared any dropshipping offers with you, but we're excited to feature three great options this time. Each one caters to a specific niche, but they have the potential to appeal to a wide range of people. Focusing on a single product and highlighting its benefits can...
  8. koka12


    Hi, How can I open an account on facebook in USA for non-residents? (I try VPN but the account doesn't work)
  9. Neemuz

    Greetings Affiliate Fix Community! Introducing Myself 6-7 years ago, my journey has taken some interesting turns since then. While I initially dabbled in affiliate marketing and dropshipping with mixed results, I eventually shifted gears and honed my skills as a digital marketing expert for an ecommerce company. Over the years, I've...
  10. O

    How many sales do I need before I can create a LAA?

    Sales events from the ads. I'm selling a beauty product from China. I'm dropshipping using AliExpress. I'm selling it for $19.95. In PPC Coach's course, he sells print on demand products like custom mugs, necklaces etc for $20-$30. In the Facebook Ads courses I took, they were dropshipping...
  11. paulss5

    Looking For Is it too late for dropshipping?

    ...discussion and just wanted to chime in. I don't think it's ever too late to start learning something new, especially when it comes to dropshipping. While the market may seem saturated, there are always new niches and products to explore. It may take some time and effort to find the right...
  12. Graybeard

    Building a brand vs getting impulse buys...

    ...without filing for trademarks to protect you investment. I would go with one-shot or maybe some solid repeat or future upsell items for dropshipping --you would be insane to brand a product with your own money that you do not either own or have some vested right in. The manufacturer should...
  13. U

    What's the best online business to start in 2022

    Whats the best online business to start in 2023? Is dropshipping or FBA profitable? How much budget do you need for that?
  14. O

    Over priced offers and dropshipping

    Good find. I saw one with lots of orders on AliExpress selling for $8.39. A lot of dropshipping "gurus" are teaching students to price the product at 3X their Cost of Goods Sold (COGS). So 8.39 x 3 =just over $24.
  15. ClickDealer

    Official ClickDealer

    ...thousands of products can be, focusing on a single product and breaking down its benefits can be just as profitable. Here are some fresh dropshipping offers: (140640) [WEB+MOB] Ultra Cooler Pro (Portable Cooler) /US/CA - CPC $218.97 PO $76 (140602) [WEB+MOB] Trica Buds (earbuds) /US/CA -...
  16. koka12

    Fb Ads

    Hi, I'm still beginner, How can I analyse my fb data campaign? what should I read in metrics? can you help me to analyse that ?
  17. PaidPoints

    Greetings Affiliate Fix Community! Introducing Myself

    Hello, great to have you here. Should have been a member long time ago in my opinion. But still great to have you here today. Hope you will share your experiences on the forum and a lot of new members can learn from that.
  18. Graybeard

    Poll: which email list is more valuable to you?

    This only applies to frequency AND NOT the money value
  19. O

    Selling products that solve problems vs products that boost status

    Hi everyone. According to one dropshipping course that I took, the best product to sell online is one that solves a problem that the customer has. For instance, selling charcoal teeth whitening to help whiten teeth at a fraction of the cost of regular teeth whitening. Selling a Clickbank weight...
  20. KayHu

    Seeking Help Side hustle business ?

    I don't think Dropshipping requires more than that. Does it? I've recently came across with an interesting information about how to attract the attention of customers. You can read this post here, it might be useful for you.