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  1. Alessandri

    $340+ earned in cpalead this month

    CPAlead officials have been called out on this forum recently, but remained silent. Now, you have registered a few days ago just to brag about that network? :rolleyes: And along the way, post some gibberish aka "AdWords Study" in an another thread...
  2. Alessandri

    300$ after a month trying smartlink, anybody wonders ?

    Never heard of Targeleon before. What is the vertical that you work with them?
  3. Alessandri

    32,000$ Rvenue in January 2017

    Great income for sure, but the real question here is - did you already get paid by Blackfox network? I gotta ask this because, in my opinion, the offer you were promoting with them is, in its essence, a pure scam. So, there should be a lot of chargebacks for the advertiser...
  4. Alessandri

    MaxBounty 4.5K$ / month with Surveys

    Hello Gadi, I read on your blog that Google has closed your Adwords account. In general opinion there is no way around this. How to overcome this, for the business, a very grave situation?
  5. Alessandri

    [Proof] I Earn $30K Revenue for CPA Oct!!

    The proof is in the pudding. LOL
  6. Alessandri

    [Proof] I Earn $30K Revenue for CPA Oct!!

    What is your ROI? How many FB accounts do you lose per campaign and why (leaking cloaker)?