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  1. N

    free wordpress themes by aagna

    Reply Thanks for sharing.
  2. N

    Why every business needs a website

    Its because internet these days is more than a communication a sheer necessity and more reason is that internet is more accesible than any other thing. Also the growing significance of search engines in every days life is just another example why every business needs to have its presence oneline.
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    Lets go back to basics

    While some sites has been trailing on sucess ride other sites do not even come in the race, well a study says that sucessful websites have greatly focused on the primary purpose of the website this is quite important because a site which is centered around its primary purpose greatly ranks in...
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    Affordable web Design London

    Sumudra technologies is offering very affordable and visually appealing websites for £199 with fee hosting space for one year and Logo design London for-£45(3logos): For more details visit:Web Design London, Logo Design London, Web site Design London, SEO Services, Web CMS - Joomla Developers,
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    These websites are quite annoying

    Well there are some websites that are quite annoying because the text is sometimes is super imposed or at times the menus are flying on the text area, this causes the visitors to close the sites altogether.
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    When webdesigning done, knowignly

    Well everyone does web designing, some of the designing is done with complete awareness that is to say every design element is knowingly used. To be more precise every design element is weighed against the expectations and requirements, so ultimately the outcome of the design is quite expected.
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    Make the best out of contrasting colors when web designing

    well there are still websites out there that don't seems to be worried about color that enhance the user experience, a black background has a menu with dark colors or thw quite opposite. This is just not about some small websites even some sites which are of business importance do follow the...
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    outdated websites

    well there are still websites that are just like an outdated brochure with menu buttons hanging around the sections and content that doesn't satisfies users appetite. what is surprising is that there is so much of information available in the internet about web designing and also the requisite...
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    What SEO tools do you regularly use?

    I use Google webmaster tool
  10. N

    Creative navigation should be usability oriented

    Well we all see creativity in every sphere of web design activity if some experiment on layout others show it through use of creative colors and trying out variety through design elements. But how much ever creativity we try to do ultimately it should enhance the user's experience and not come...
  11. N

    Inspired logo design

    Its the inspiration that unwinds the locked ideas in the minds, inspiration could be anything it depends on how it is taken. The inspiration is there everywhere all one needs to do is look around for it, it can trigger from any unexpected quartors.
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    Design the way it entices the online users

    Websites that are developed and designed with rich functional features are sure to catch the fancy of online users when the design appears enticing to the users. This is possible only when we make better designs by bringing innovation to design and this very much enhances the web user experience.
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    Google to add new feature to its gmail

    Google is one such entity which never seems to be contended with whatever it has done for its users and with a new feature on the lines of twitter & facebook which it is going to add for its gmail, with this it has once again proved that it loves to update itself and its users. The feature...
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    Web design & cloud computing

    Well there is so much of information about cloud computing and the internet is abuzz with information pertaining to cloud computing. The information has it that cloud computing can change the way things are for web design services, web platform and other hosted services. But lets see how exactly...
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    sub and sup

    Can anyone please let me know the specific purpose of SUB and SUP in HTML
  16. N

    Using technology tools in social network sites

    Technology and tools are always there and if the situation demands there is no dearth for inventions like for instance a news report talks of how twitter site has addes a new feature called the Hovercards which displays user information through little pop up windows and it works best for...