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  • Users: tom804
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  1. tom804

    Anyone Still Running Pay Per Call

    Is anyone still running Pay Per Call?
  2. tom804

    Google's December 2019 Policy Update

    New Call Directory, Forwarding, and Recording Services Policy (December 2019) Other restricted businesses policy to no longer allow ads for call directory, forwarding or recording services. These services usually involve calling a phone number to obtain another phone number (or business...
  3. tom804

    What to do with Voicemail Leads

    What do you leads you received via voicemail both qualifying and non qualifying?
  4. tom804

    IVR Tips, Tricks, & Suggestions

    Setting up my IVR for the first time today. Anyone have any good tips, tricks, or suggestions when it comes to using an IVR? All thoughts and comments are welcome :)
  5. tom804

    Converting City State List to Target ID's

    So I've been given a list of locations to target in the city/state (abbreviated) .CSV format. Unfortunately bulk upload requires matching the city/state combo using a target/location ID (Which gets uploaded into the campaign). Anyone know of a way fast way to match the correct city/state combo...
  6. tom804

    Friend In Need of PPCall Network.

    I have a friend looking to join a PPCall network. He's based over seas and looking to provide traffic via SEO. Needs a network that has a variety of offers and pays out at a low minimum.
  7. tom804

    Keyword Manipulation Tool

    Hey all just wondering if anyone knows of a good tool to better manipulate and sort keywords? Say for example you have the following green car green car tail light green car tow light green car tow light lens green cars light sensor Is there a tool that would sort these keywords into closely...
  8. tom804

    Can't get Mobile Pop to Work

    I don't know what it is but for some reason i'm unable to make a dime in mobile (pops). Here are my stats for the last two days running an offer to a tier 3 GEO. I've spent around $50 bucks for this campaign so far. Anyone have any ideas? Visits: 2701 Clicks: 478 Conversions: 0
  9. tom804

    Cost of Pop Traffic

    What would be the average cost of pop traffic per 1k views?
  10. tom804

    Feedback Logon Box

    I swear the logon box that appears when visiting the site is the most annoying logon box in existence. Please ease up on the amount of times it pops.
  11. tom804

    Ideas for Ad Copy from Offer Landers

    I dont know if anyone else has had this issue, but when looking at an offer page I find it impossible to pull inspiration for ad copy. I find them to be really bare and lacking appeal. How do you guys/gals pull ideas from this? Ive tried pulling from competitors but that just results in my...
  12. tom804

    FB Launch Sequence

    Hey Tim, First off thanks for taking time to answer questions and share you insights with us. My question is. When launching a new campaign on FB what objective do you recommend to start with and why? I've heard people say to start with Website Clicks then move to PPE, etc?
  13. tom804

    Bots on Bing (Round 2)

    So lately i've been noticing alot of traffic coming from Ashburn on Bing. Is anyone else seeing this same issue? I'm pretty sure its bots... maybe LOL ;) I urge everyone to look at your reports and see if you see such suspicious activity.
  14. tom804

    AdsBridge System Issues on (4-11-16)???

    Anyone notice any issues with Adbridges today?
  15. tom804

    Mobile Mastermind Skype Group for Pop Traffic

    I'm creating a small mastermind group for those who currently run mobile Pops. I don't want to large of a group so i'm only bringing in four people at this time. Also I would like this group to be on an intermdiate level. So i'm looking for people that have ran traffic, know how to track, and...
  16. tom804

    Got Some Christmas Love from Above

    Yesterday morning I received a package from Above All Offers. Inside was a t-shirt, small drone, and card. The card had a hand written note inside from my AM which i'm not going to share its pretty personal and meant alot to me. I said it before and i'm going to say it again Above All Offers...
  17. tom804

    Keyword Management on live campaign.

    So i'm running a new campaign on Bing of course. Recently looked at my keywords and I've noticed that a few are below first page big and low search volume? Just wondering what do you guys/gals do with keywords like this. Also do you pause bad performing keywords or delete them?
  18. tom804

    Black Friday Status

    So how's everyone making out today? Anyone making lots of money?
  19. tom804

    Blocking AD's from IP's (BING)

    Today while running a campaign I looked at my stats and noticed something suspicious. One IP address hitting my ad's five times with only one click through to the offer. I dunno but to me this seemed pretty suspicious so within Bing I added the IP to the exclusions list. What do you...
  20. tom804

    Bing PPC Follow Along

    Thought i'd go ahead and launch a new follow along. Here's the info. Network: Above All Offers (Referral Link) Traffic Source: Bing Ads Offer Category: Travel Offer Payout: $17.00 Budget: $100 Avg CPC: $3.50 Target: USA & Canada Okay now with that out of the way allow me to explain a few...