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  • Users: azgold
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  1. azgold


    Happy Labour / Labor Day Weekend, everyone who celebrates it. It's a bit of a sad holiday for me, the last vestige of summer and hot, sunny weather. The harbinger of cold, snowy winter. The increase of school bus traffic on the streets. But it's great to have a long weekend! Personally, I...
  2. azgold

    Google Upping Its Prices On Canadian Targets

    I just came across an article this morning announcing the repercussions of Google's deal to pay the Canadian government tons of money in order to show stuff here in Canada. Just a heads up for anyone targeting Canadian audiences, so you can work the increase into your budget. Full article HERE.
  3. azgold

    Sad News, R.I.P. Robot

    Sad news. One of South Korea's robots was found unresponsive at the bottom of a staircase and citizens are in mourning. Replay of film footage indicates the robot intentionally caused his own demise. Stress from overwork is being blamed. The death has been labelled a suicide but the...
  4. azgold

    Pay Attention Shopify Merchants (Canada, France and Australia)

    Just giving all of our members who are Shopify merchants a heads-up. The tax agencies in Canada, France and Australia have been trying to legally obtain your data, including your banking information for at least a year, apparently. So far, Shopify has not complied but the litigation is still...
  5. azgold

    Happy May Two-Four, Canada!

    Queen Victoria's Birthday, Victoria Day......Whatever you call it, we all know it as May 24 (Pronounced two-four for those who don't know). This is a Canadian's unofficial start of summer, camping and beer drinking. Sidenote: Beer comes in what we call a two-four. Coincidence? :D May 24...
  6. azgold

    Anybody Got a Digital Nomad Visa?

    I did not know this was a thing until this morning, when I read an article about it by Connie Lin on FastCompany. If you dream of working from a quiet, beautiful place, this may be for you. I grabbed a few of my favourite parts: The hospitality industry is already formulating how it will...
  7. azgold

    Astrology is Surging in Canada

    I just watched Global News for our Premier's daily covid update (worst yet!) and saw that interest in astrology is surging here in Canada. People are looking for direction during the pandemic, they said. I make no warranties or guarantees that promoting astrology offers in Canada will give you...
  8. azgold

    Official Time for Me to Go...Sort Of, Mostly

    I'm retiring. Since the day I signed up here in 2013, I fell in love with this forum. It was CPAFix back then but it was immediately apparent that Oliver had created a warm and welcoming community, with members who would go out of their way to help. That is still the way things are here, in my...
  9. azgold

    [NEWS] The End of Freelancing and Gig Work in California?

    While vetting a new registration this morning, I came across an article in Forbes that should be of interest to anyone who is a freelancer/independent contractor in California. This may be a type of death nell to the work freedom you're used to. Now, in order for Californian companies to have...
  10. azgold

    Come Meet Us in Barcelona, July 7, 2019!

    ...on our Facebook page: BCN Affiliate Meetup by ABC & AffiliateFix IMPORTANT NOTE: We want to personally meet you! Please remember to come and introduce yourself, so we can put a face to your name in the forums. :) Join us to be part of this exciting event to network and have fun! ***
  11. azgold

    Shopify Success (No, not mine :))

    This is not my success story, it's Tobi Lutke's, the founder of Shopify. Lutke showed up in the list of The Richest Canadians and How They Made Their Fortunes, on MSN news today. If you want to see his face, age (spoiler - he's 38), what he's worth monetarily...check it out and be inspired. He...
  12. azgold


    We have quite a few Canadian members here in the forums, so thought I'd wish all my fellow Canucks and all honourary Canadians a Happy Canada Day. Get out your flags, grab an ice-cold bevy of your choice and enjoy the fireworks. :) P.S. If you're in southwestern Ontario, like I am, prepare...
  13. azgold

    Official Affiliate Network *test* [Deleted]

    azgold submitted a new resource: Affiliate Network *test* - testing, testing, testing Read more about this resource...
  14. azgold

    Impact of Video on Digital Marketing [Infographic]

    Judging by the numbers I've seen posted elsewhere, I believe these stats to be 2017. If you're not into a retail affiliate program, or e-Commerce, you may find the bottom statistics the most interesting. :) I found this infographic on Directory of Infographics
  15. azgold

    Video Traffic Big in 2018, According to an article on Socialnomics

    According to an article on Socialnomics, 2018 is the year that author, Donna Moores, believes " becomes the most popular form of online content." She also predicts that video traffic will make up approximately 79% of all worldwide internet traffic by 2020. So, if you haven't already...
  16. azgold

    How to Become a Professional Copywriter

    I know we have a few struggling and aspiring copywriters on AffiliateFix. If you fall into that category, you may find this article by Han-Gwon Lung on NewsTimes interesting and helpful. In his 7 Steps to Becoming a Professional Copywriter article, Lung lists the seven things he believes you...
  17. azgold

    [NEWS] Google Killing YouTube Annotations Permanently

    For anyone who hasn't heard, YouTube is killing annotations as of May 2nd. If you have been using them in your videos, make sure now that they are how you want them! Existing annotations will remain intact and be shown but no new ones can be created and existing ones can't be edited after May...
  18. azgold

    Small Niche Sites

    Hi, Matej: I know you used to have a network of small niche sites for passive income. Is that something you'd recommend now, especially after all of Google's algo changes? Also, for monetizing, would promoting a ClickBank product (or similar idea) be a better idea than AdSense? Thanks!
  19. azgold

    Are Separate Campaigns Always Necessary/Best?

    Hi, Matej. Thank-you for being here this week! I read on your site that you recommend running separate campaigns for a single offer for a variety of reasons and factors. Is there ever an exception to this that works? Perhaps as an initial run to see which geos/devices/whatever are most...
  20. azgold

    PPC Campaigns - When to Scale

    Okay, so you've got what you think is a winner. Is it time to scale things up? Saw this article on Kissmetrics and thought it might help answer the question. Signs That It’s Time to Grow You've spent considerable time testing and optimizing your ads, landers and campaigns. At some point...