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  1. J

    Best affilliate programs for payday loans/cash advance

    Hi, Thank you all for you replies! Of course I meant affiliate programs. Payday loans are becoming less and less popular in favour of cash advance. I do a lot of SEO for these... and cash advance and personal loans on the other hand are generating a lot more traffic;)
  2. J

    Best affilliate programs for payday loans/cash advance

    come on guys! help me;) no1 knows anything about it?
  3. J

    Best affilliate programs for payday loans/cash advance

    Hi, I'm looking for a good affiliate/direct lender with an affiliate program related to payday loans and cash advance loans. My traffic comes from SEO so it's a typical laser traffic related to payday loans and cash advance loans. Even though I tried many other solutions I currently use 2...