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  1. yyoulives

    The Attack of Antivirus on Pops

    Hey yall, So i've been plugging away in the shadows and decided to post another follow along. Happy Blated Canada Day to my fellow Canooks out there and Happy early 4th of July to all Mi Americanos (Independence Day 1 was a Dope ass movie by the way lol but not the sequel... sequels always...
  2. yyoulives

    Mobile Mortal Kombat: Day 1

    Hey guys sorry it's been a while. So the campaign showed great signs of promise however it crashed and burned. I was unable to see any consistency. The ROI was looking good and once I chose my top lander things slowly started to fizzle. It was like I could barely get a decent amount rev after...
  3. yyoulives

    Mobile Mortal Kombat: Day 1

    Thanks brother i'll have a read over
  4. yyoulives

    Mobile Mortal Kombat: Day 1

    Okay, so I just woke up and logged into voluum and here are my stats: Spend: $5.00 Revenue: $12.25 ROI: 140% WoooooHooooo! Alright so quick update on the things I did thus far, I tested my bid placements and it looks like the lower bid is paying off. However I need to find the sweet spot...
  5. yyoulives

    Mobile Mortal Kombat: Day 1

    Hey Folks, Been a while but I figured I should set up a new Follow along. Let's begin shall we? *cracks knuckles* So I launched this campaign a few days ago, but figured I'd port all my data and results thus far into AffiliateFix to get some feedback. Campaign Launched Jun/4/2016: Traffic...
  6. yyoulives

    Adult Dating Offer Campaign Follow Along/Questions?

    Hey Doc I have a set of rules I follow when I run my campaign and have to see a certain ROI before I decide to continue or cut the campaign. And unfortunately this campaign did not hit my ROI requirements :p. Sent you an inbox message
  7. yyoulives

    Mobile Landers + Sound on Chrome Browser?

    Is it possible to have intro sound like a FB message or anything pop up on a Chrome browser for a mobile landing pages? I've been hearing it's not possible but I just wanted to double check.
  8. yyoulives

    Adult Dating Offer Campaign Follow Along/Questions?

    I tested a few angles but not very many traffic sources. I got something I'm working on right now that's been running on multiple sources. Just need to find my winning lander to fully scale :p. Thanks
  9. yyoulives

    HELP! 94% Significance on 1 Lander ... Do I need more data before I cut?

    Hey TJ i've blacklisted the majority of the targets that have hit 2 to 3x payout. At this point blocking anything with less than 2x payout could choke the volume right. When would you say I should choose my winning lander?
  10. yyoulives

    HELP! 94% Significance on 1 Lander ... Do I need more data before I cut?

    1. 180 clicks 8conversions 2. 34 clicks 0 3. 100 clicks 2 4. 800 clicks 2
  11. yyoulives

    Adult Dating Offer Campaign Follow Along/Questions?

    Hey brother, thanks for the response. I ended up moving on from this campaign ROI wasn't show enough promise later on into the campaign. Cheers
  12. yyoulives

    HELP! 94% Significance on 1 Lander ... Do I need more data before I cut?

    Got a lander showing 94% statistical significance however each lander has only spent $17 on a $2.50 payout, 2000 visits per lander. Do I have enough data to cut or should I let my visits hit a higher number? If I should run more data what is a sufficient amount of visits, spend or clicks before...
  13. yyoulives

    Adult Dating Offer Campaign Follow Along/Questions?

    Hey Yall, So I just launched a dating offer and have had it running for a while however I don't know if I should drop the offer or continue to optimize. Country: India Offer: Adult Dating Payout .60cents Traffic Source: Pop (RON) Optimization: Only black listed poor performing website IDs...
  14. yyoulives

    Popads + Voluum Daily Cost Not Matching

    Hey folks, I got an offer i'm running in a tier 3 geo and even though I have voluum and popads set to both be in Canadian time zones the popads daily spend resets itself in the middle of the afternoon. Anyone had issues similar and figured it out? I contacted popads customer service as well...
  15. yyoulives

    My First Mobile Campaign + Voluum Stats *Journey to 1k Days*

    @denis Hey Denis, sorry for being inactive. I've been swamped with work. But i'm still running camps. I gave up on this camp due to spending too much and not getting my ROI low enough. I have jumped ship and started another US sweeps offer on zeropark. Thus far i've spent about $400 and i'm...
  16. yyoulives

    How to add Propellerads and Adcash into voluum

    THanks guys :)
  17. yyoulives

    How to add Propellerads and Adcash into voluum

    Hey yall, so i'm trying to add these two new traffic sources into Voluum, however i'm a bit confused. I got all the correct tokens placed in the token sections according to "" but what do I do with postback url for Adcash? Do I put the url below into the postbackurl section of...
  18. yyoulives

    Why Your Landers Are Failing *What newbies overlook*

    Alright guys, It's been a while but I'm back! I recently launched a campaign on Zeropark for a Gift Card offer. I set my budget anywhere from $25-$40 a day. The payout was $2.30; after 3 days of data gathered and spending $80 I saw my ROI was -94% (YIKES) :oops:. I managed to block out one...
  19. yyoulives

    Setting up beyondhosting CDN with beyondhosting VPS

    Hey all, So I have uploaded all my files for my one lander to the CDN host but i'm confused as to what to do now. I will need to replace the coding in my current landing page html file. The image paths will need to be adjusted so that they are serving from my CDN rather than from your local...
  20. yyoulives

    VPS and CDN hosting recommendations

    Also how much bandwith should one get when running mobile offers using CDN? 500GB, 1TB?