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  1. R

    How does one market a facebook viral app made for cpa marketing?

    I will be willing to test out your product and provide honest feedback
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    The PPD thread.

    link locking is the way to go ;) besides, upload to and link lock the download page. You get faster download speeds for the end user
  3. R

    Advice on cpa content locking my ebook

    usually if you have a good product like that, it might be worth to try and sell. Maybe even through clickbank, etc
  4. R

    Link Locker vs Content Locker? (Your Insights?)

    when linking from Youtube, I noticed the link locker performed better than a content locker. So, like its been said above. A lot of it depends on your niche and traffic source
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    Product Locking Software

    Sorry, I do not have any experience using their product locker. I personally dont know off hand of any other networks who provide that
  6. R

    must of been a $xx,xxx domain
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    PPD for Streaming Movies Site

    dont forget you will have to register your domain with an offshore domain provider as well. And I wouldnt use a US address under the WHOIS
  8. R

    Product Locking Software

    Yes, you would have to use their offers. Here is a demo of the product locker: **YOUR PRODUCT HERE**
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    Product Locking Software

    The only network that I know of which has a product locker is Adwork Media. Referral Link: Non Referral Link: :D
  10. R

    Are my conversions bad?

    personally I believe that is bad based on the CTR you receive. More than half of your visitors click on an offer. I think you just need to better optimize the gateway (I assume you are using their gateway) and set the option for the gateway to display the highest converting offers. Do you...
  11. R

    Am I the only one doing incentive anymore?

    Cpalead chat room days :D I miss hearing that lead revenue ticker noise in the dashboard
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    How to make money from CPA – A Case Study

    Holy shit you ignorant and dumb. If you even knew the slightest about marketing(which you obviously don't since you can't even profit off 300 daily visitors), you would know what he is saying is right. People have come in and gave you solid advice, but you are looking to get spoon fed on...
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    EWA Not Paid - EWA Plays Penis Games Video

    He also recently created a fake AM using some girl's picture
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    IOS Traffic

    I think admob or adwords (targeted towards IOS devices only) would be your best way
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    What did I do Wrong? - No Affiliate Links. is a free hosting service that they host the website for you, but you are very restricted in what you can do. - You can do anything you want. You download and install the wordpress CMS platform to your own server. Then you can...
  16. R

    Another CPA Network going down? CPA Tank

    looks like cpatank is fucked. CPATank Closing Doors karma is a bitch
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    Another CPA Network going down? CPA Tank

    not saying I doubt you, but if you could post a picture of his text message, it would definitely help back your claims. Also, I would take them to court for the 10k they owe you
  18. R

    Another CPA Network going down? CPA Tank

    not negative, just raising some eyebrows since its a little suspicious. As I said, I hope there is not some underlying issue as to why this is happening. will affiliates need to reapply to get back into the network?