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Search results for query: clickbank

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  1. Bloody Tourist

    Clickbank Adult Products?

    5 year old topic buddy, time to move on
  2. Graybeard

    Do I need a tracker for Facebook ads?

    ...offer at clicbank and the vendor was willing to include your gtag on his cart return thank you page maybe you can do that RedTrack-ClickBank-Integration says you can do it...
  3. S

    Issue with TikTok and Clickbank.

    Guys,so I'm having around 1k clicks on TikTok,I don't have a landing page and using direct linking to the CB offer.The problem is that I have only 340 hops on Clickbank side,where are the 650 missing clicks?
  4. B

    Revcontent is 33x more expensive than Evadav Native?

    I just watched a Youtuber bid $0.60 for a native click on Revcontent for a ClickBank offer. And the traffic chart of Evadav shows that the recommend bid for USA is just $0.018. I just wonder how different these two native ads can be. Since Evadav have NDA with their publisher, I have do idea...
  5. thelegend

    Hello I am New!

    Well its not about networks as you can work with clickbank ,jvzoo ,warriorplus and many others for free .The important thing its that you need to know to sell the products ,get the traffic .I think the most important think in online its the quality of knowing to get targeted traffic
  6. thelegend

    Hello from Tube Sites Submitter

    Nice to meet you .Please tell us ,we can use your platform for marketing purpose ? For example we can promote clickbank products on description ?
  7. B

    Why nobody post Follow Along anymore?

    The latest Follow Along is posted on Mar 5, 2022. I think most of them are posted by newbies (like me). But it seems fewer and fewer people post Follow Alongs? Is it because affiliate becomes harder and harder, so people stop joining this market? or? Thank you~
  8. OscarMike

    What offers to promote to a broad demographic email list?

    ...18-65+. The lead magnet to get them to join my list is a free Halloween gift. They have to check their email to get their gift. Would it be possible to send Clickbank weight loss offers to them? Weight loss is a very broad niche. So is my newsletter demographic. Am I wasting my time? Thanks
  9. A

    Anyone tried Clickbank University?

    It looks interesting to me, if anyone has tried it can you tell me if it's worthwhile please? ClickBank University
  10. A

    Using products images

    sovrn com What's the alternative then? Point 2 or point 3?
  11. T J Tutor

    Using products images you consider an Affiliate Marketing Platform? I ask because your description is that of an affiliate network or possibly a platform like ClickBank or Commission Junction. Absolutely NOT! Always the answer! Any and all platforms, a company/brand affiliate program, a marketplace...
  12. Graybeard

    Hello Everyone! I just want to share some results.I am trying different products with Clickbank

    When I used pops and in page push from the 'quality ad networks' for ClickBank to test, ClickBank only said (acknowledged) 50% of the 'hops' arrived. I count every click-out on my landing pages and count and redirect any direct to the offer traffic I send. What % did they count of your 'hops'...
  13. A

    New to FB ads+clickbank , need help

    Hi, I'm new to affiliate marketing, currently learning facebook ads + clickbank product (nutra offer). I have some issues understanding which parts of a funnel need improvement and what are the good/average conversion rates between parts of the funnel. I once saw a great video on youtube...
  14. PaidPoints

    Am I ready to Start?

    ...over the years. JVZoo is not one of the best affiliate networks. Yes, you can quite earn some money from there but there are better ones. Clickbank for sure is a more reliable option. Also as a newbie I wouldn't suggest sending traffic directly to the sellers landing page. You will need to...
  15. Graybeard

    First Affiliate marketing Campaign 600+ clicks Zero Sales

    ...Taboola, etc) on the Mend The Marriage website / sales funnel. Whenever possible, we recommend you set up your pixels within your own ClickBank account. Please see this detailed help document for instructions to install your pixels in your ClickBank account." If that video didn't bore me to...
  16. Graybeard

    I am absolutely desperate! PLEASE HELP!

    I haven't used ClickBank for some time -- they only had a tracking code for the URL &trac= I'll have a look --Their stats were very inaccurate then so I haven't bothered with them ... That is for the...
  17. firstcards

    Unable to Access my Clickbank acct

    I sign up with clickbank as an affiliate just 2days ago and the account was successful. Today while trying to sign in to my account, I got this screenshot message '' Service is temporarily unavailable. Pls try again later" Is it a general problem or I'm the only one?
  18. G

    Clickbank payment

    hey, i have amount of 912$ in my click bank account (i started to earn since 22/8) 9 days ago, i choose the direct deposit option, when they will pay me? I mean , when i will see the money on my bank?
  19. Rial4s

    How can I check if a Clickbank vendor plays fair?

    Recently, my conversion rate goes up-and-down dramatically. A few days ago, an Order Form Sale Conversion (ratio between sales/clicks on the order page) was 15%, the next day it was 3%, then 14%, 12%, 3%, and yesterday 3%. The traffic source is the same - organic articles -> Vendor's Landing...
  20. E

    Google Ads tracking conversions issue

    Make sure your Google conversion pixel is on the completion of the presell page( like a thank you page), not the landing page. In other words, you want a conversion to be a purchase, not a "view".