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Search results for query: clickbank

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  1. Cassie Garcia

    How to create my own affiliate program?

    Hi, I think it's quite hard to appeal to other people once your product is unfamiliar, and the commission is a big deal. You can try Clickbank, which is the best platform for you.
  2. T J Tutor

    10,045 clicks, 57 order form impressions...and still no sales

    Are you using a cloaker to get this done?
  3. blake25537

    Hello I am New!

    I like Clickbank myself I use them all the time and they pay on time also.
  4. azgold

    Landing Pages

    I see. I assume that you've checked your page's code to make sure all is well there? Okay, so if I landed on your landing page and clicked through to make the purchase, that's the first page I would see? I may be a little confused here.
  5. Lahaine2024

    I need a website or a program for affiliates

    I have a product but the niche is very specific politics and it dont get accepted on marketplaces like clickbank,digistore,buygoods,warriorplus,copecart. I need a solution where should I put my product I only need btc,skrill or payoneer payments for affiliates.
  6. thelegend

    Monetize email

    Well if its in a specific niche then you just need to find an affiliate offer related and for this you can go to sesrch on clickbank or go to google and type your niche + affiliate program and google will show you offers related to your niche
  7. B

    Is it possible to get gravity score history of an offer of clickbank?

    I'd like to know how this score changing through out the year. Thank you
  8. OscarMike

    10,045 clicks, 57 order form impressions...and still no sales

    Thank you for sharing this pic. If you don't mind my asking, was this from a retargeting campaign?
  9. Proffesor

    What's the best Affiliate Marketing platform right now?

    Amazon Associates. ClickBank. eBay Partner Network. Commission Junction (CJ) GiddyUp. Impact. Awin. Rakuten Affiliate.
  10. C

    I am absolutely desperate! PLEASE HELP! has been great so far. I got all the way up to the point where I post my ad but I can't because my Facebook pixel is not firing on the clickbank checkout/confirmation page. I did everything to a T, I put in the "access token" and the pixel code into the "add tracking code" section and then...
  11. MarkTwels

    I have an established, successful business--how do I find good affiliates?

    ...appreciate knowing they have someone to guide them. To find potential affiliates, consider checking out affiliate marketing networks like ClickBank and ShareASale. You can also reach out to influencers in your niche. On a personal note, I've been thinking about opening. If you'd like to...
  12. kenjiro

    Seeking Help Roadmap For Low Budget Newbie Friendly Affiliate Marketing Journey

    I mean this one: "2. I know of no ads that will return that profit consistently on a short term basis." Can you tell me more details? How long? What niche? CPA or CPS? Wow, new term. I'll try to learn about it. Thank you @azgold
  13. Graybeard

    Landing Pages referrals arriving? does the car have gas? is the initial google ads link correct and delivering the traffic 1st thing is OK? If you want to you can DM me your landing page link and I will look at it then bot your ClickBank link with a forged header and see ;) I can look "under the hood"
  14. Graybeard

    Seeking Help How to promote affiliate offers without your own landing page

    ...or buy a script / api to do that. But the weakness is that can be traced back is is rather obvious. If your ``blind`` traffic converts why would they even care unless it is a brand safety issue. Reputable 'brand companies' care. ``digistore / clickbank`` are not that level (IMO). Clarification:
  15. T J Tutor


    You will never get a mentor. Mentors DO NOT accept newbies, NEVER! This community has all of the information you require to get your new business started, growing, and successful. You MUST study the material, select an entry point, have a reasonable budget, acquire and learn to use the...
  16. T J Tutor

    Is anyone else out there promoting the Clickbank product "His Secret Obsession" & more importantly having success?

    According to CB, these are their top 10 dating offers: Top ClickBank Dating Products His Secret Obsession Unlock the Scrambler The Ex Factor The Obsession Method Irresistible Texts Text Chemistry The Devotion System Jack’s BJ Lessons Mend the Marriage Friends with Benefits Some of the tools...
  17. Micheal

    Official MaxConv Tracker - A scalable, affordable and effective tracking software

    I thought you will bring Microsoft Ads (Bing ads) too
  18. thelegend

    Affiliate networks not paying

    Well working with clickbank for many years i dont have a single problem with any payment .I dont know about other networks as i cannot tell you for sure
  19. firstcards

    Writing a Product review.. please guide me

    I’m trying to order a gig on fiverr, for “clickbank product review” What kind of instructions would I give to the seller, to ensure the contents is 100% plagiarism free, and also it’s search engine readers and search engine friendly?
  20. Graybeard


    Then the text is often spammed --are you using email swipes from a ClickBank or other offer sponsor? If everybody takes the easy route and uses the same promo material this is what can happen. Are you using a 'safe' email service provider? So that you don't have any email server verification...