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  • Users: yfam
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  1. Y

    Professional Trader looking to horizontally scale my works

    Definitely would have been a fantastic life being a currency trader for a bank in the old days before it effectively became an internet game for the masses. Have also heard the stories of marathon "business" lunches and rare red wines being guzzled by the case. The average lifespan of a client...
  2. Y

    Professional Trader looking to horizontally scale my works

    Hi, my apologies for stooping to his level of bluntness, but you can perhaps see an example of what I said I was up against in terms of push back from people who immediately lump you in with the fakes and the lambo-driving influencers. (I have a cheap, fuel efficient car) All the more bizarre...
  3. Y

    Professional Trader looking to horizontally scale my works

    Wow Wow!, what an ignorant statement! You have just proved my point about people making broad assumptions based on their OWN experiences. If you had read the post in its entirety you would have seen my statement about having VERIFIABLE track records. As you clearly have less than zero...
  4. Y

    Expert in industry forex affiliate

    Hi, sounds very interesting. I have acquired several thousand followers/subscribers of my trading recs/reports over the years and would like to monetize via an IB/Affiliate funnel. Have a very rudimentary Telegram group and basic CRM, simple website. Main focus is on trading performance and...
  5. Y

    Professional Trader looking to horizontally scale my works

    Again, please explain what on earth you are on about? Have you nothing better to do than critique genuine posts? Not getting the attention you seem to crave? Try posting something intelligent and useful, like the other moderator of this group has done. Tactless criticism is a poor substitute...
  6. Y

    Professional Trader looking to horizontally scale my works

    No idea what you are talking about! Where's the AI? It's a cut and paste of a website explaining the affiliate relationship with the forex industry. I see from other previous posts that you seem to have a resentment to anything forex. Had a bad punt eh? I don't use AI in forex, it's mainly...
  7. Y

    Professional Trader looking to horizontally scale my works

    Hi, thank you for your valuable advice. The training course route is the one that has received the most thumbs up from my associates given our differentiating capabilities. Regarding the word broker in this context, is probably a bit misleading from a semantics perspective. It's not being a...
  8. Y

    Professional Trader looking to horizontally scale my works

    Just trying to follow the gold brick road... Having worked in client analysis at a retail brokerage that transacted $1.5 trillion USD a month over 200,000 clients, of which half the commission goes to the introducing Broker/ Affiliate, I can attest to the impressive remuneration of Affiliates...
  9. Y

    Professional Trader looking to horizontally scale my works

    PS, I'm also very interested in being a trainer, but this is normally tethered to a particular broker. I am able to provide the training, or train the trainers and provide them with my software tools, strategies, etc. Unlike the vast bulk of forex trainers in the industry I have a "verifiable"...
  10. Y

    Professional Trader looking to horizontally scale my works

    Hi, I'm looking to be an Introducing Broker or Affiliate, to refer clients to brokers and assist them with their trading moving forward. Having worked for a large broker previously I have seen the range of services that they offer to incentivize clients to use that particular broker. Obviously...
  11. Y

    Professional Trader looking to horizontally scale my works

    Hi everyone, I have been reluctant to post on these types of forums as I am well aware of the reputation the forex/crypto/signals trading industry has for its abundance of spruikers trying to push their Holy Grails. Having worked in the industry for over 20 years, initially in the institutional...