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  • Users: NFASI
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  1. N

    No commission on dog food?

    My nonprofit is an Amazon Affiliate. I'm not talking about what they pay me - I'm talking about the report that shows what I have EARNED. Other products sold through my links show up: product, commission earned, etc. But the dog food does NOT show up as a linked product that was sold. This is...
  2. N

    No commission on dog food?

    How do I find my "affiliate manager"? Yes, the links are correct, there were no returns, ordered by several people. How do I find any restriction by the pet food company? This is for Amazon Affiliate
  3. N

    No commission on dog food?

    I'm not looking at payments - am looking at Summary Report that shows earnings, by product. I shows total items ordered through product link but under Earnings it doesn't show these sales.
  4. N

    No commission on dog food?

    I ran a promo for a certain brand of dog food and several orders were placed but I didn't get any commissions. I double checked that I had the right ID, Access Key and Secret Key. Shouldn't I have gotten a commission? The orders have all shipped and been received and paid for. Thanks!!