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Search results for query: domain redirect

  • Before: Feb 20, 2019
  • Order by date
  1. Trellian

    Selling Traffic High Intent, High Quality CPC Traffic Available

    Trellian's premium CPC domain redirect traffic has been the preferred choice among top affiliates, advertisers, marketers, lead generators, and startups worldwide for over 10 years! All CPC traffic is exclusively provided by domain owners using our platform. That means we control all traffic...
  2. Trellian

    Event LeadsCon 2019 (Las Vegas) | Premium CPC Traffic Available!

    ...for CPC traffic, please contact us to schedule a meeting or visit us at Booth 611 in the exhibit hall. Trellian's premium CPC domain redirect traffic has been the preferred choice among top affiliates, advertisers, marketers, lead generators, and startups worldwide for over 10 years! All CPC...
  3. Mark Bon

    Review Facebook Bugs Thread And How To Fix Them

    This information is copied from another forum. I allowed myself this because the information is really useful. Thank you "kasher9"! #Bug1 - What you noticed: Reach on targeting for adsets is showing as 1000 in some cases - Date: First noticed in September - Did you fix it?: Yes - How did you...
  4. Graybeard

    Make money cooperation

    The Geo module is made to match client addresses. You can use it to define a variable to test like so: geo $bad_user { default 0; 1; 1; } server { if ($bad_user) { rewrite ^; } } **note the correction ^to a second domain...
  5. Steve @ Voluum

    Must I Use Tracker for Banner Ads Campaign (CPC & CPM)

    Hey @wisfort it's not compulsory to use our tracker - but definitely you should use some tracking system to identify opportunities for growth or change actions or to be able to optimize your campaigns and not burn your $$. Just sit back and have a think on what is that you need. There's a lot...
  6. Striction

    Landing Page Tool

    I suggest Builderall, the tools there are very simple to use and you get a great emailer. There are also some tutorials and guides to help set up your account and leverage the full revenue driven possibilities with Builderall! Hello, @Ledo! Glad to see you're interested in Builderall...
  7. Ledo

    Landing Page Tool

    How do the domains work with on builderall? Does builderall pop up in the website or? Can you set up another domain and just use that to redirect to your builderall within the program or?
  8. qtobrooklyn

    PPV marketer needing help with switching my domains to HTTPS

    Hi everyone. So i've been putting off switching my sites over to HTTPS, but i think it's finally time. ZeroPark won't even let you run campaigns anymore if your entire redirect path isn't HTTPS.. I just need some help with figuring out the best way to do this, so hopefully fellow PPV marketers...
  9. servandosilva

    Push Notifications Journey on Zeropark to $10,000 per month

    Hey guys. Servando here. It's been a while since I wrote a follow along and I figured this was a good time to write about a traffic source that just implemented a new ads format a month ago. Push notifications are a new type of traffic that kinda resurrected from the old days and now it comes...
  10. BMFDigital

    Purchasing traffic for adult CPA offer

    Hi guys, I'm looking into purchasing traffic for an adult CPA offer. Currently a friend of mine did tube uploading for this particular offer. Basically what he did is: Cut / edit videos Upload them to big tube sites Installed Google Analytics on his domain, and did a redirect to the adult CPA...
  11. I

    email goes to junk /inbox

    When we do email marketing then we need to keep certain things in mind so that we can maximize the benefit. Since you have just begun then you might not have considered a few things that can make your emails go to spam folder. The major reason that your emails may land in the junk folder is that...
  12. tyoussef

    CPA Marketing Tutorial - Lesson 1: Host Your Landing Page

    that's true. have you followed the tutorial well. you host the landing page in aws, and you take the url of it and put it in the tracker, and also you put the offer link in the tracker, and you get the campaign url and that campaign url is what you put in the traffic source. just follow the...
  13. s3k

    CPA Marketing Tutorial - Lesson 1: Host Your Landing Page

    Ah ok I'll make more buckets then. Yes I'm using a tracker for the putting the link into the traffic source, what I meant is that right now I'm just putting the AWS link directly into the tracker instead of my domain. Ah ok might try that. Also did not know CNAME is an alias, always thought...
  14. ClickDealer

    Official ClickDealer

    In preparation for potentially the biggest sale in their history:), Aliexpress is introducing a new commission structure from October 10th and is cancelling geo differentiation by category. In a week, we’re going to enjoy the following worldwide commissions: 3% mobile phones & other electronics...
  15. Mr.Z

    From ZERO to 5 FIGURES from scratch with mobile cpa

    UPDATE #13 Thanks @abdellahi, @medvih, @gliontiadcenter and of course @cashmoneyaffiliate. Quick update and quick summary of my earnings for the winner traffic since the beginning: POPUP: DOMAIN: + $3.66 from Monetizer ;) I used it for back button earlier. Now I redirect user to the offer...
  16. Trellian

    Nutra Traffic (CPA)

    Hi 4ikey, Since 2008, Trellian has provided top marketers worldwide with premium domain redirect traffic. Our high-converting traffic comes directly from domain owners, and is sent straight to your website. Each domain is assigned a keyword and users are redirected in real-time via our...
  17. MarkMester

    cloaking method for facebook and Instagram

    How you suggest promote crak revenue on IG? get a domain and redirect the offers? what if you have 100 IG accounts, you gonna need 100 domains to not get blocked. Anything else u have in mind?
  18. Barbara Parson

    301 Redirects of Affiliate Link SEO Problems

    T Thank you! I am going to get there. I will consider the landing page.
  19. Graybeard

    301 Redirects of Affiliate Link SEO Problems

    ...redirect a 301 is a URL redirect the entire string is carried, e.g.; /index.php?stuff=123&more=4567 A CNAME DNS is a domain redirect (properly called an alias) all requests to the domain are redirected to the aliased domain Most affiliate stories, not all, are either...
  20. Barbara Parson

    301 Redirects of Affiliate Link SEO Problems

    Yes. I also tried the Affiliate Link no Website Method to Bing Ads. I quickly found that some affiliate links are 301 or 302 redirected causing problems getting the ads on Bing, so on and so forth. I got this message after using my affiliate link directly in the Bing Ad Campaign (this is my...