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  1. Wotack

    Hiding/Cloaking identity in email communications

    Thanks @azgold :)
  2. Wotack

    New to CPA

    Thanks Alex, I didn't see that Adsbridge had a free account. In that case I'll definitely give it a go. At the moment I am trying to focus on where money is spent rather than sign up to loads of things before I even have a plan in place. After the various bits of feedback and learning curves...
  3. Wotack

    Hiding/Cloaking identity in email communications

    ah gotcha, sorry .... I'm slowly picking up these terms ...I'll get there in the end ;)
  4. Wotack

    Hiding/Cloaking identity in email communications

    Thanks for the tip @azgold, yeah I am considering Aweber as I already have a Mailchimp account which we currently use for clients and their Marketing Newsletters so don't really want to risk the Affiliate stuff being mixed up with our core business. Appreciate the responses :)
  5. Wotack

    Hiding/Cloaking identity in email communications

    In fact that may be a really useful guide/section for the Dojo under "Legal" - in terms of legal do's and don'ts of marketing to make sure the Authorities don't come a-knocking ;-)
  6. Wotack

    Hiding/Cloaking identity in email communications

    Thanks @azgold, yeah seems like a sticky one. Mailchimp say they can ban you if the contact information is false, however there doesn't seem to be any legal requirement (in the UK at least to actually put a registered address on...
  7. Wotack

    Hiding/Cloaking identity in email communications

    Thanks Azgold, good to know that a PO box is a common method in anonymity. In cases where you don't put your real name and address (assuming you use a fake one) is that a cause for concern in terms of legal problems with Aweber/Mailchimp as I guess the reason they ask for it is to adhere to some...
  8. Wotack

    New to CPA

    Hi TJ, out of interest what tracker do you use? Cheers,
  9. Wotack

    Hiding/Cloaking identity in email communications

    Hi All, I have a question around the registered address that Mailchimp (not sure if Aweber requires it too, but I'm pretty sure it would do) requires when sending an email campaign. How do people manage this? I know that many will say that if you are comfortable selling a product then it won't...
  10. Wotack

    Does Clickbank work?

    All good stuff and thanks for the feedback/comments, it's all very useful :-) The post was not meant to be a personal attack on anyone or the industry, it was merely an outpouring of sentiment based on my perception. If my perception has to change in order to be successful then so be it. TJ &...
  11. Wotack

    My XXX XXX$ earnings screenshot

    I'm pretty sure I've found your content on the web John, but most of it seems to have terminated accounts from YouTube and the main site seems not to render. If that's the case are your figures sustainable? Or is it a case of blitz, make money, kill the sites and start again? ...Impressive...
  12. Wotack

    My XXX XXX$ earnings screenshot

    Congrats John. What dashboard is that? Do you only use one network? Or is that from an affiliate tracking service?
  13. Wotack

    Does Clickbank work?

    Good luck with it Matt, hope it works out. I agree the betting stuff seems somehow more palatable to promote.
  14. Wotack

    Gold As a Newbie, What Stops You From Getting Started

    Hey Red, I saw a really good post somewhere recently, quite possibly on here ...that gave me some good advice for inspiration about writing posts if you get blocked. It was along the lines of head to Amazon, search for some books on your niche and look at the contents page that is pretty much...
  15. Wotack

    Does Clickbank work?

    ...the above would be greatly appreciated. I'll also make sure I post my stats, losses and hopefully gains as soon as I have my landing page whorefest* up online. *Disclaimer on the "whorefest" comment in that it relates to the very nature of cheap and nasty landing pages for clickbank offers...
  16. Wotack

    2015 almost over, what have you achieved? What are your 2016 goals?

    2015: Nothing - too much procrastinating. 2016: Take AM seriously & stop procrastinating. Schedule regular time per week for AM, just get "something" out on the internet - refine and repeat. Target by the end of 2016 is for me is to be making £5k per month from AM sales. Tim, you mentioned:-...
  17. Wotack

    Me try

    Me try
  18. Wotack

    Hi All, Newbie to actually doing AF and seeing it through

    Thanks TJ, appreciate your comments.