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  1. D

    Targeted keywords

    There are many ways you can target your keywords. google adwords word tracker keywordsearch tool What is your sitename? if you give then i can tell how to go about it.
  2. D

    Blog writing

    if you are having a good article then no one will say bad about your business. infact bloggers will correct you by giving comments.
  3. D

    how to generate more traffic with a lead sites

    My site is basically designed for lead generation how to get more leads. To get leads no. of visitors should be more. Please give solutions.
  4. D

    Site Result Down in MSN

    Keyword ranking poor in google Hi my site is getting poor keyword position in google. Some times the keyword gets good position and some times it goes down. What should i do for getting good position in google.Please give me some solutions.
  5. D

    2 dofollow social bookarmking sites

    Reason for low traffic Why there is no traffic to an optimized site. Every time it fluctuates why is tis happen. Is it the website problem?
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    2 dofollow social bookarmking sites

    social bookmarking vs blog Which out of these two brings more visibility and traffic
  7. D

    how increase traffic

    if you are targetting a site with 2 to 3 backlink is of no use, but if you are targetting a site which has more than 50 backlink will be useful.
  8. D

    how increase traffic

    If i have a page rank of 3,4 or more then it shows my page weightage.isn't it right? That mean my content is more effective towards the visitors.
  9. D

    how increase traffic

    There are companies who do not want to pay anything for seo, they do business without paying anything, but still their keywords are ranking good and getting more conversions. They use all those old methods and still their business are going well.Without paying they are getting.
  10. D

    Organic SEO????????

    ya its a good place to learn seo do that.
  11. D

    Organic SEO????????

    Ya there is two ways of doing seo white hat and black hat but to get a good result use only white hat don't go for black hat as this will bann your site from search engine.
  12. D

    Whitehat SEO versus Blackhat SEO

    Good seo doesn't support blackhat. Always do seo in a proper way whether its takes little bit of your time the out put will be good and if you try to use blackhat then the output wont be good. Alway go in a right way that is my suggestion.
  13. D

    I need article directory list

    thanks for the list. but i heard many of them saying that articles are not of any use, its just a waste of time
  14. D

    What Are Blogs

    Blog interact with people and give info on many products and services. You can get a lot of infor from blog itself. You can post your ideas and comment on various individual post.
  15. D

    Organic SEO????????

    Full form of seo is search engine optimization. It is basically internet marketing where you try to compete with other competitors to bring your site on the top level of search engines like google, yahoo, msn etc. You will be doing onpage and offpage optimization On page includes design...
  16. D

    How To Submit to Articles Directories

    Any way the articles are written by us and its unique. I have seen in one of my site i started posting to many ariticles directory and iam getting good traffic. On this topic there are lot many confusion is there. But when we started with seo thing it was said articles submission will bring...
  17. D

    How To Submit to Articles Directories

    Why? But submitting to as many as articles directory the visibility will improve and you will get more traffice isn't that right.
  18. D

    Popular SEO Keyword

    popular seo keywords seo is the main keyword it can be seo career seo tutorials seo book if you are tarketing seo then you can use these as keypharses.... i think you got my point
  19. D

    is this possible that without hard work got it PR

    That can be due to back link if the back link is more then definitely the page rank will go high.
  20. D

    How to get Indexed In SEO

    Ya submitting sitemap to google account will help your site to get indexed.