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  1. L


    Hello! It's great to meet you!
  2. L

    The end of search engine marketing?

    I can't say that I agree with that at all. A number of SEO companies are faring quite well as many advertisers are diverting advertising budgets to the internet. Traditional advertising venues (like newspapers) are taking a much bigger hit as costs and past debts are catching up with...
  3. L

    How to check if a link's been indexed

    Yahoo Site Explorer is a great tool - it seems to provide more information than Google does most days. Good luck!
  4. L

    Hello, my name is Brittany

    Just thought I'd say "Hello!" *pleased to meet you, Brittany!*
  5. L

    FTC Million $ Fines for Bogus Free Trial Diet Offers

    I heard about that. I'd have to say that I agree with the FTC on that decision - people are already having enough troubles with their credit cards without being wrongly charged for diet supplements.
  6. L

    The end of search engine marketing?

    I'm with you, Minstrel. Although it might take a bit more time to build your business using fair and ethical tactics, the results are likely to stick. I can certainly say that the "Get Rich Quick" with Google Adsense days are over - webmasters have to offer more than just a "click...
  7. L

    The end of search engine marketing?

    I agree with Jim's statements - although SEO has seemingly changed a lot in recent years, basic tactics still work. The important thing is define your goals and find a way to achieve them. As the old saying goes, "Where there is a will, there is a way." ;)
  8. L

    I need SEO advice

    How are you looking to promote the website? Are you paying for PPC or anything like that?
  9. L

    I don't know if I can justify the cost of...

    You know what they say.. If you never try something you never finds out what happens next. I agree with Linda.. if you can put up a website on a new domain instead of tying it in with your existing site, it'll be better. Good luck, no matter what you decide to do..
  10. L

    Domain Name Registrar

    I use They are very affordable at $9.29 registration/renewal. I have others registered through Network Solutions, but those are more expensive at $35.00.
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    Hi, Excited and happy from Texas

    A belated "hello!" It's nice to meet you..:)
  12. L

    Hi!!! From west coast!!!

    Hello! I'm near the Great Lakes and the sun is finally coming around again. It's nice to meet you!:)
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    SEO & Domain Names with Hyphens

    I don't think there's any problem with using hyphens. Sometimes the domain name you want isn't available so you have to adjust..
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    Search Engine of Choice

    I use Yahoo as my portal and homepage but use Google a lot during the course of the day..
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    Deep Link Submission Question

    I'm not familiar with the directory that this thread was created about, but I think that directory links still matter. Directory links are "themed" so you're grouped with other sites in your same category. Another thing is that a directory category page (that's populated) will have many...
  16. L

    Search Optimization vs Other Marketing Techniques

    Basic SEO is a must. You want your site to show up in the search engines. Once you have this type of presence established you can market via a newsletter/mailing list. PPC is another way to market, but keep in mind it's "Pay" per click, so if you have a small or limited budget your ROI might not...
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    my site wont show up on google

    A few nice backlinks should send the spiders in. Those are what you need - creepy, crawly spiders.
  18. L

    How Unique is Unique?

    Although it could take more time, original content is always a better bet. It makes you "unique" in an internet full of websites..
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    #2 on Yahoo in under a 2 weeks

    Congratulations. It's always a great feeling when a new site gets off to a banging start. It just makes you want to work that much harder!
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    Hi from Sunny Blistering Arizona

    Hello and welcome! Nice to meet you and congrats on your promotion. ;) Looking forward to seeing you around the forum.