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  1. T

    Your Favorite Part of Affiliate Marketing?

    Chet, You hit the nail right on the head, having people hang over your every move is unpleasant. I think working to solve problems and to make people some extra funds in this trying environment, is gratifying. Working from home and not paying $4.00 and over for a gallon of gas, is a plus!
  2. T

    Happy Holidays & Merry 5 Star Christmas

    Have a Happy and Healthy New Year! :D
  3. T

    New Year's resolutions and wishes for 2008

    I am easy I hope to keep my health in the New Year?And most of all my sanity.
  4. T

    Best or Worst Christmas Present

    Well let?s see, I got a great flannel jacket. I guess it would be cool if I was living back in the 90s at a grunge concert but that?s over. And it will probably come in handy with the cold winter we have here in South Florida! NOT :rolleyes:
  5. T

    Most Comfortable Ergonomic EASI Office Chair in the World - Present to Myself

    Linda you are making me so mad:mad: right now! My back is killing me. But seriously enjoy your new chair! :D
  6. T

    San Diego, Escondido, San Marcos Fires

    I was watching the fires on T.V. and thinking to myself, I have survived a bunch of hurricanes and believe me they are very scary. But I don?t think I want to go through fire, its just seems you have no chance. And the way the fire will burn one house and not the one next door. I could not...
  7. T

    Larry Stops a 5 Star Spammer Dead in his Tracks!

    Hey Linda, you think we can let Larwee loose on all the Erection Spam. So tired of deleting that stuff. And I don?t need my chest fixed. :mad:
  8. T

    Beware of falling cows

    That?s a little weird. What was that cow doing on the top of the cliff? And if you ask me I think the cow was tired of working and decided to end it all. :D
  9. T

    Amazing - Sony Commercial - Playdoh Bunny Animation

    Really cool piece?The paint blowing up was pretty different. And I also liked the commercial with the super balls bouncing down the streets of San Francisco. Purple carrots. Huh! :eek:
  10. T

    Join the Gibberish Thread - Drive Traffic with Overture

    What is that? I kind of needed a laugh?Thanks! I really like the Don?t with the question mark before the T. Don?t From now on thats the way I will spell don?t. ooops don?t.
  11. T

    The girls of Israel Defense Force

    Gotta love a women in a uniform?I don?t know about the machine guns. Lol!
  12. T

    NFL Season Starts.....

    Sure big football fan here. I live in South Florida so I root for the Dolphins. Don?t know how well we will do this year new coach. It?s like a dream its finally here been waiting so long! Football season that is. Go Dolphins! :)
  13. T

    Need help with affiliate program!

    You have to make your program as user friendly as you can...Think like everybody is a newbie...Thats a good start.
  14. T

    Favorite Video Game?

    Dont really play, not that much anymore...but when i did Rainbow 6 BlackArrow..XBOX 360. Great game.
  15. T

    Join The Cute Kid Affiliate Program and Profit on the Parenting Niche!

    TheCuteKid Affiliate Contest - Win iPhone and Cash Hey everybody...We are excited to launch our first Affiliate Sales Contest! OK...Here's How it will Work: The Contest Starts August 16 and goes through the end of September. $100 Cash Money! goes to 3 randomly chosen affiliates that...
  16. T

    5 Ways to KEEP Affiliates Happy & Motivated!

    Every time I come in here to spend some quality time and read one of your posts its time well spent. Thanks for the insight..
  17. T

    Oldest car in the world is for sale

    I thought they said it was a car!!! looks like a train to me a mini train!! really cool!!!:D
  18. T

    Member Pictures

    WOW!!! u had some fun with the shaver!! or the lawn mower won!!
  19. T

    Ocean's 13 is average

    i cant wait to see it either!! Ellen Barkin is a good looking older lady!!! kinda was looking foward to seeing Julia Roberts aka tess oh well!!
  20. T

    Big Week End

    gonna try to get out on the water this weekend and see if i cant get some lobsters its lobster mini season in florida right now!! so the ocean will be my pool!!