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  1. T

    Any inexpensive video creation resources out there?

    Thanks! I'll check it out.
  2. T

    Any inexpensive video creation resources out there?

    I've been reading a lot about how video is so hot online right now. People are using videos to launch products, promote affiliate products, and build lists. My question is does anyone know of any tools that are inexpensive which will create videos? (I'm not talking Camtasia but actual video of...
  3. T

    can i make money as affiliate even if i dont have a website?

    I Can't Imagine Why You'd Want To I think making money as an affiliate without a site is like trying to seduce someone when you haven't taken a shower in three days and just finished eating garlic bread. It can be done, but it's very difficult. Web pages are so easy to build these days with...
  4. T

    An Affiliate Marketer and Merchant at the End of the Earth

    Hello all, I'm an author (fiction and nonfiction books as well as columns, articles and more), and I'm a relatively new affiliate marketer. I've been recommending affiliate products in an online newsletter for over a year, but I only just got serious about preselling and focusing on a...