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    anyone like the new skype emoticons?

    I have just noticed these new icons. I do like the new additions but some of them I would probably not use.
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    Good News for California Affiliates re Advertising Tax AB 178

    this sounds very interesting will go and check my emails to see if have one from CJ
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    Why your Google rankings drop and what you can do about it

    From experience just updating your website can have an impace on position in search, if that happens reverse what you did and add the content at the top rather than bottom.
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    I quit my job, working online full time

    Hi Robert great to see you here. I hope your business becomes a long running success.
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    Hi From Sheffield, UK

    Hi Bob welcome to the forums :)
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    Recruiting customers as affiliates? E-mail signature referrals?

    I agree with Linda too, this doesnt seem that effective although you can always see it as trial and error maybe.
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    A Good Affiliate Network Script

    I am currently promoting items from clickbank too, but have tried using adsense aswell.
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    Hi, From New York!

    Hey and welcome, nice to see you here.
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    What's wrong with DMOZ? A lot...

    I read that article on the dmoz blog and the comments were not friendly towrds dmoz at all. Getting into dmoz these days are very hard indeed.
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    $1 000 000 per year Niche Giveaway + Beating Adwords for Free

    I also believe that a profitable niche is hotels. Just my opionion.
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    In China, $700 Puts a Spammer in Business

    I never heard anything like that before. Why cant people just be normal?
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    Niche information

    Thanks for the tips and advice Linda, your posts are valuable to all of us including the newbies like me.
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    How to motivate yourself?

    Theres a great thread on here with many tips for motivation. The main key is to try and try again if you dont succeed, because one day you will succeed.
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    Work From Home Motivation - Ideas & Tips

    Working from home is a great way to earn a second income and some the main income, good luck to all who work from home.
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    Hi, Im newbie

    Hi zack welcome to the forums :)
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    Kickstart a campaign

    Thanks for the advice, has helped me out and have bookmarked this for future use.
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    Article distribution and submission confusion, Where do I start?

    Have you tried submitting articles to ezine? I would start there first then work through the others.
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    Hey and welcome, I am new here too.
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    PPC Summit 2009

    Thanks for the advice although this strategy wont help out my campaign.
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    Confused about Google Adwords?

    The ad may have finished on the adwords system, or it maybe a glitch.