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  1. joeyyyy

    Anyone here running FB & CPA Ads with success?

    If offer gravity is above 50 do I need test it anyway? Should I then wait till 100 hops and if no conversion can I consider it bad? But..I am trying fb+clickbank..If you want to talk about it contact me.
  2. joeyyyy

    Clickbank offers

    Hi, I started with Clickbank offer, LP promoted via FB ads. Can I automatically assume that every cheaper product with gravity higher then 50 will convert well? Or this is not always true and I should test more offers? I am asking because i picked offer with 150 gravity, send quality traffic...
  3. joeyyyy

    Facebook Ads+Clickbank Question

    ok i opened the file in browser as you said, and there is: "//html goes here Whatever product" The link in Watever product is: So, I am not sure if I set it correctly please? --------------------------------------------------------------------- EDIT...
  4. joeyyyy

    Running Sweeps + Facebook Ads: Next Step?

    I dont thi So you suggest scale quickly, could be good. But scaling in overall is tricky.. I would recommend copy winning campaign and increase budget here. My tip is dont touch winning campaigns:)
  5. joeyyyy

    I'm so confused

    Sometimes I also consider this. Do you use only Fiverr? If Affiliatefix has sth like that here I would def use it :) Especially some virtual - online - Tracking settings :)
  6. joeyyyy

    Facebook Ads+Clickbank Question

    So, does it work also for every single ad I create? I have also one landing. When my domain is, can I just attach ?ad=fbset1 and paste the code into the body of the landing you sent, please? Or it works only for .php links? But how can I change into .php? :(
  7. joeyyyy

    How to increase facebook page like?

    Why do you want to increase number of likes? To me this is unimportant metric when you want to increase your conversions. Tip: If you really want to increase it, try to promote every post you do. Second tip: I would try to grow my "friendship" base, or create a group, instead of "page" due to...
  8. joeyyyy

    My Journey On Facebook

    I would be careful about those traumas,damages etc. I suprised fb approved your ads..but true is I didnt see them:) BTW. 6-10 landings, you need to start 6-10 campaings.... isnt it too much? Isnt 1 enough? Just asking, I would like to know some opinions here. .. I would create...
  9. joeyyyy

    When its late for an offer

    Hi I know there is al lot of competition.. so I would try to avoid picking an offer where are already many affiliates. How to do that or at least how to minimalize this risk? For example When Aff networks sending tips for trending or hot offers..isnt it late at that moment? Or is it...
  10. joeyyyy

    Where to Buy Traffic for SOI offers?

    Well now I am bit confused. In general they say: spend 10x your offer payout for testing which could be around 30$. Now you tell us: invest 2-4k$. I Know you meant it in long term, but still. Are you talking specificaly to push traffic right? Not to CPM or so:-)
  11. joeyyyy

    Methods of generatring free traffic

    There are many affiliates using this free traffic - blog comments, FB posts in groups, etc… I would like to know which Network (for newbies) allowed it to you. I am just starting and want to use these free methods first but there is problém at the beggining:) How would you solve it?:D
  12. joeyyyy

    Methods of generatring free traffic

    I have found obstacle that most of aff networks dont allow blog commenting. Can you please advise, do you know about any networks where its not forbidden? Thank you, it would really save a lot of time
  13. joeyyyy

    Gold My CPA Journey - trying to reach $100/day profit

    You mention you checked the competitions LP, how did you do that, where to find them please, as this could be good for inspiration what may works.
  14. joeyyyy

    How to get started with copywriting?

    Best advice here is thinking about your audience (identify with them) while writing which is the hardest. Many ppl dont want to think, but just create the post the fastest way possible. You dont even need to become expert in the field you write about. Read through some blogs, and soon you will...
  15. joeyyyy

    Begginer learning process with failure

    Cool, thanks. It was education type of offer, American countries and India + Egypt with the most views. Payout 100$ which is bit higher.
  16. joeyyyy

    Begginer learning process with failure

    Aren´t the numbers suspicious? From 100 000+ hops 0 conversion? What is the approx average conversion rate with direct linking please?
  17. joeyyyy

    How trackers works - looking for explanation

    Thank you all for your help! @Phill AdsBridge Thank you too, I am glad you have posted here. Here is just an example of lack of information in general. I am using your Trial and after few days I have found out I can not use your tracker when using ClickBank network because they dont share data...
  18. joeyyyy

    How trackers works - looking for explanation

    Cant find any easy explanation for beginners how trackers work, meanings of terms, what do you need to track your visitors and where to find it, etc. I would like to understand it better so the setting up can take a minutes... not days :-) If you know about something please share. Thank you!
  19. joeyyyy

    Begginer learning process with failure

    Hey, I am Jakub from Czechia (excuse my English) and recently I have decided to dedicate my time and money to affiliate. I am total beginner, but I have started to do something instead of just reading ~ 4 days ago. I prefer to learn "in process". But, I still cant set up trackers properly and...
  20. joeyyyy

    How i direct link on bing ads

    OK so you saying Bing allows this but Adwords doesnt? Will try out Wait, I cant use display ads in Bing? Do you know anyone please?