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  1. XXXOnline

    Help in adult campaign

    Look for smartlinks
  2. XXXOnline

    Help in adult campaign

    Direct Carrier Billing
  3. XXXOnline

    What should I do with my remnant traffic?

    From which GEO ? and how much?
  4. XXXOnline

    Help in adult campaign

    I would start looking for other offers... this one sounds like time wasting. Look for DCB 1 click flows.
  5. XXXOnline

    LP question

    Would be nice indeed if something like that should be build :) I'm asking myself what a affiliate would pay for such a service.
  6. XXXOnline

    What is a good traffic source to start with?

    Then i would use something like Google adwords.
  7. XXXOnline

    What is a good traffic source to start with?

    What kind of offer are you going to advertise with? on that answer we can give you some good sources.
  8. XXXOnline

    Hi, my name is Dave

    Welcome at the forum Dave! How didt you roll in to the adult industry as affiliate manager? Hope you have a good time at the forum :)
  9. XXXOnline


    Welcome to the forum! About your question. Do you know which niche you want to get started with? Their are a lot of them haha. If you can tell us your niche your interested in, i think then we can give you better answers.
  10. XXXOnline

    Domain + Hosting? Confused

    Are you spamming everywhere or what? if you don't have anything useful to tell then just leave this forum...
  11. XXXOnline

    [NEWBIE] What is Postback URL ?

    Simple and short: Its enabling you (if you can setup postback) the send back the conversions you make, back to your tracker (Thrive/Volume/Adsbridge/Imobitrax etc...) that way you can see during A/B testing which of your offers converts best. Damm.. still my answer is to long, but good luck :)
  12. XXXOnline

    For which adult GEO traffic are you looking?

    I'm not in a CPA network :) Link to my topic: Starting my own adult site - How to make €12.400,- a month
  13. XXXOnline

    For which adult GEO traffic are you looking?

    Well, i dont work with affiliate managers... i dont run any offers :) You read my started journey?
  14. XXXOnline

    OK - Here's My Success Story (Money, Cars, Women, Booze, Pizza)

    Buying expired domains does work for me :D Good journey! Was fun reading it :)
  15. XXXOnline

    For which adult GEO traffic are you looking?

    Hi, I'm wondering which GEO's are most in favor atm fot the advertiser who are working in the adult industry. Let me know :)
  16. XXXOnline

    Ask Me Anything Searching Alternative Of ero-advertising

    Thanks for mentioning me :) . @egool i would try Exoclick/Reporo (i use Exoclick myself btw) good payout for every impression, and your eCPM goes up if your CTR is good. Btw why are your banned at Ero?
  17. XXXOnline

    Newbie Adult Website - Questions

    Even then, 5-7 Adwords account up is bad. It will cost your more effort then the profit will be worth to you.
  18. XXXOnline

    Newbie Adult Website - Questions

    Google adwords for adult sites? if thats your advice for Candice then you are really only after her/his money.
  19. XXXOnline

    Selling Traffic Left over traffic for sale

    Hi Eveyrone, Because my sites are growing very fast i have lots of Tier 1&2 traffic (direct traffic) With lots i'm speaking of 50/70K a day (adult traffic) I'm looking for €2,- a CPM. If your are interested please send me a PM. Their is not negotiation about the price.