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  1. Maxxx333

    Silent Hill - Introduction

    That is interesting dude, anyway i wish you good luck with what is ahead to come!
  2. Maxxx333


    You are welcome in here dude, get a good time here!
  3. Maxxx333

    Jumping back into Mobile Affiliate Marketing 2018

    Good luck with this dude, i'll stay tuned!
  4. Maxxx333


    What you can do online depends on the budget you can put in this adventure!
  5. Maxxx333


    I realy don't understand what you mean here dude, could you get more clear with this?
  6. Maxxx333

    Vocabulary Question

    this is actually a great answer dude.
  7. Maxxx333

    Hello everyone... This site is nice.

    Welcome on Affiliatefix, i wish you good here!
  8. Maxxx333

    newbie affiliate

    Hello buddy, i wish you welcome in the forum, Have a great experience with this.
  9. Maxxx333


    Hello chuakeve83, you are welcome on the forum
  10. Maxxx333

    Ask Me Anything [EXPOSED]Native Ad Campaign: OlympTrade (binary trading)

    This is really full specify dude, it surely be helpful to more than one around here!
  11. Maxxx333

    What's the point of advertising website without an offer?

    This is actually arbitrage, but also it can be for them a way to build more trust from their audience, before starting any advertisement!
  12. Maxxx333

    How to get cold traffic to my funnel

    Hey Abdullah shaker, what i think is that you should try to go for social traffic, and hit it over ther though groups, but also you could try to join Forums, blogs, and see what comes out! Good luck.
  13. Maxxx333


    The better way to make some money online is to try to reach a platform and try to make some money as a freelancer for example if you have some skills that you could use online and make something. This loan isn't something i heard before, besides it seems too easy to bed true, so you definitely...
  14. Maxxx333

    How to Promote Gaming Offers for Desktop

    Hello buddy, sorry but i will just ask you to try to know how to do all this, and then apply it then. Good luck.
  15. Maxxx333

    How to Promote Gaming Offers for Desktop

    Hey AjaxPro, this is quite a real wide question, i'll just list you some few steps to follow, you could try to make it work! First thing pick an offer, chose an ad-network, build a prelander, build a landing page, drive traffic to the offer, try to merge some tools that could help you out...
  16. Maxxx333

    Efficiency with no e-mail list

    you are absolutely welcome dude! Good luck with that, let us updated!
  17. Maxxx333

    Tracking with adsbridge

    try to check out a tutorial on Youtube about this tool, it will helpful to start with it!
  18. Maxxx333

    Efficiency with no e-mail list

    You can't just Promote any offers on Facebook, their traffic might not be good for some offers, but at the other hand be great for others, so you better have to pick one offer, try to test the youtube traffic with it, and see what it shows you, if it goes good, then, you will have to figure out...
  19. Maxxx333

    New overwhelmed desperate member

    You are welcome buddy!